Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Personal Injury Attorney Can Save The Day

By Harry Potluck

If you have to file a claim with an insurance company you may feel like you are being fed to the wolves. In all actuality, you almost are. Insurance companies are very good at playing hardball and their first offer is always the absolute bare minimum.

Are you concerned that you may not have a case? Have lost everything that is irreplaceable? If not, and there was no damage, then you probably do not have a cause.

If you have been involved in an auto accident and the driver of the other car was at fault, uninsured or underinsured you should definitely consult an attorney. In some states, you only have a limited amount of time to take legal action against the uninsured driver. Some insurance policies require arbitration agreements between you and the uninsured to be reached within 60 days after the day of the accident.

If you want to get what you are entitled to from an insurance company, you must have knowledge of all the information and a good understanding of insurance and liability laws. The most important thing you can do if you are doubtful is to connect every piece of your information and all parts of your medical care. Always follow up with the doctor and go to the hospital so you have all the necessary documents.

Always follow up with the doctor and go to the emergency room so you have all documentation.

Personal injury attorneys understand very well how all pieces of business should be conducted. Attorneys know which injuries fall under specific categories and how each one can be compensated. There are several ways for you to be compensated.

Personal injury attorneys usually require compensatory damages. The reason for this request is to bring the client back to where they were prior to the accident. Attorneys call this as making the client "whole."

Special damages are also sought. These cover all costs beyond the winning party. For example, the cost of something that was paid by an injured victim falls under the category of special damages.

When the defendant has been found to be guilty intentionally or through negligence, punitive fees are often requested. These are damages that go far past the actual monetary damage caused by the defendant. A lawyer who has expertise in injuries will know everything about punitive damages.

When a defendant has been found to be willfully harmful or negligent, punitive charges are often asked for. These are damages that go above and beyond the actual financial harm done by the defendant. A lawyer that specializes in personal injury will know all about punitive damages.

There is too much at stake and too much information to consume not to hire a lawyer. Check out a few in your area and don't be afraid to ask questions. See if anyone that you trust can give you a referral.

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