Making a website is not as difficult as many people think. Today you are able to download free software that makes it possible for anyone that wants to, to create a Web Site.
There was a time that you would need to know HTML to build a web site. Today you don?t need to have any knowledge of HTML and you will still be able to build a great looking site. Having some knowledge of HTML can be an advantage, but without it you will still be able to create that site.
There is open source software available that is every bit as powerful as the paid for variety. Open source software is created by a community of programmers around the world that work together to produce useful software. Just to highlight how good much of this open source software is; Have you heard of Apache Server Software? Apache is the preferred software used on most servers today. This is open source software, free.
This free software is called NVU (Pronounced N-View) Just search Google for NVU and choose which download you need. Linux, Windows, or Mac.
Making Use Of NVU
NVU like all easy to use HTML editors is WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). When you first open the program it looks much like any word processor program. But there are significant differences.
One of the main problems you face is how to place text and images where you want them. Like all things they are easy once you know how. In this article we are going to concentrate on how to put things where you want them to appear.
As I said earlier, the screen looks just like a word processor. The text features work the same as in a word processor. You can choose the font, size, bold it and all the things you can do in a word Microsoft Word.
How do you place text and images just where you want them to be? The key to this is tables. The use of tables allows you to put anything just where you want them. If you need to place text next to an image, all you need to do is create a table with 2 columns. In one column you place the image and in the other you place the text.
You can also create tables inside tables. You are able to specify the width of the table in pixels or in percent. You can then center the table or have it locked to the right or the left. Creating a table inside a table will allow you have a box with its own content. Each table can have its own background color.
Tables are what give you control over how your page will look. They are like the bricks in a wall that allow you to place the windows where you want to in the wall. You can create tables and make them invisible. You do this by setting the border width to zero. This means that you have been able to place objects where you like, but how they are held there is unseen.
Mastering this will make it possible for you to create a professional looking site. From here much of the program is like any other and you will soon master the use of it with a little experimentation. Understanding how NVU works is also a lesson in Dreamweaver or Microsoft Front Page as these programs work much the same.
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