Friday, August 08, 2008

How to Choose the Best Resume Styles

By Carlee Evie

The job market is extremely competitive, and you want to make the best impression possible. While there hundreds of resume styles being used by job seekers, you want to take the time to choose the right one.

Why so many different styles you ask? For one thing, the wide variety of methods by which documents are sent nowadays requires a different resume style for each one. You cannot expect a resume that is intended for physical viewing to work just as well when it is emailed or faxed and vice versa. The growing trend of viewing documents online has naturally also brought about a need for a resume style that is more appropriate for this medium.

Then you also need to consider that certain positions may call for a very specific resume style. So you'll need to be adaptable. You'll want to tweak your resume to suit each situation so that it showcases your relevant skills. That's what a resume is for, after all: To show off your expertise.

By far, the most widespread form of resume writing is the chronological style, which as the name implies lists all of the positions that you have worked in starting with the most current.

The functional style resume is a bit newer, but it's steadily growing in popularity. Unlike the chronological style, you use this resume to list your very best accomplishments and qualifications first, followed by the just slightly less impressive ones. The advantage of this resume is that it makes it easy for the employer to read it quickly and decide whether or not you sound like someone who is qualified for the job. It also lets you give your strengths the center stage.

These two resume styles aren't the only styles around, certainly, but most other formats are variations of the chronological and functional resumes. Here's a good point to remember: Don't be afraid to try out different resume styles. Change them out to suit your needs and purpose for each situation. Resumes exist to tell potential employers about your abilities, and the right resume will put them in the best light.

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