Monday, August 11, 2008

Be Dedicated to Your Dreams to Succeed

By Jonathan Ross

I would have to say that success doesn't come easy. Let's face it - it is a lot of work. But if you are dedicated to your dreams, you too can succeed in life.

Now, I am not trying to be somber, but it is the truth. For me, the road was seven years, with lots of challenges along the way. Though I am not at the point where I would finally like to be, I am getting really close. Each day I am getting closer to where I want to be and that is the right path for me.

One of my biggest challenges was to stick to my guns no matter what happened. Unfortunately, there was no magic formula that I could follow to succeed, and no recipe for success. I wanted to quit many times, but I couldn't give up on my dream - I just didn't want to retire when I was too old to enjoy life.

With my successes, I have had a lot of failures. But, I have always been dedicated to my dreams of having a nice house, money in the bank, and some nice cars in the garage. These were concrete and measurable goals to work towards, so I knew what steps I needed to take towards my dreams.

But there were plenty of roadblocks along the way. My biggest roadblock was getting my wife aboard to share my vision. All she could see was all the money that I was spending, and the little(and in some months no) money that was coming in. She thought that I was just wasting my time and that I should just go get a regular job like everyone else.

Let me tell you - if your spouse does not support your efforts, you will even have more problems. But, I am happy to report, six years into it, she finally understood that I could make money. All it took was me to buy groceries with the money that I made online.

After that challenge was resolved, thing got easier. Though I wasn't making the piles of money that I wanted, each month, the business was making more and more money, and I knew that I was on the path to success.

It wasn't until the last six months that I finally figured things out and was finally able to quit my real job. Not only was it the best feeling in the world, but I was finally able to live the dream that I had been holding with me each step of the way. It was through this dedication that I was able to make it to this point - if you want to have a story like this to share some day, you need to be dedicated too.

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