Saturday, May 31, 2008

Your Own Website For Home Business

By Thomas Griffin

As business grows, it can be a good idea to support your eBay sales with a website. The first step is building a web presence outside of eBay by creating your own website. Building a website is not a difficult task. These days you don't necessarily need the know-how to do it all yourself - there are plenty of people who will do it for you. Turnkey stores are an option, or you can have a designer create the basic design for a website and then purchase shopping cart software separately.

Either way, you need to think carefully about branding at this point. Branding is recognizable design features that are carried across your entire business from product to business cards, to your website and brochures. A brand helps your customers associate your products with an over-riding concept and identify them as part of their lifestyle. For example, some brands are associated with natural and organic concepts while others are associated with fine quality or a particular lifestyle. When establishing your online business, take care to make sure the branding you have already established on eBay remains consistent across your new website.

There are thousands of stores on the web, so to be successful, you'll need to do something to make people visit your site and stay there for longer. One of the most effective ways of doing this is by providing people with information about your products. For example, if you sell small kitchen appliances, why not add articles to your site on how to use each appliance, tasty recipes to make with each, how to fix problems, and so on? Not only are you giving your users a reason to come back to your site, you are also increasing your chances of being placed in the top search results for keyword searches relating to the items you sell. Search engines give higher priority to good quality, unique information, so this is an effective way of keeping rankings high and getting traffic from organic search results.

Another way of getting more traffic to your site is by carrying out link exchanges. Just remember to limit yourself to related sites, otherwise you may find that you end up with a lower rather than higher search engine ranking! Linking to sites not related to the content on your site can actually give you a lower search engine ranking, so stay away from sites that offer hundreds of links for a fixed price. The best idea is to link to other sites that relate to what you are selling. For instance, keeping with the appliance example above, a site such as this could exchange links with sites selling china, cutlery, linen or recipes.

Finally, you can drive traffic to your site through advertising. Your ebay listings are one way of advertising if you add your site URL to your About Me page. Google Adwords is another very effective way of getting traffic to your site. A targeted campaign can do wonders for your website. Done well, a website should increase overall sales, increase traffic to your eBay listings, and increase your reputation as an expert in your area.

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Business Coaches And The Global Economy

By George Purdy

A smart business owner knows that there is no longer such a thing as a local business nowadays. With the ever-increasing use of the internet, the phenomenon of outsourcing, and the greater ease of traveling around the world, all companies have become global enterprises. It takes means and know-how to start a new company. Increased knowledge of the business practices and customs of other countries opens the door to increased opportunities for investment, marketing, expansion, and profitability.

When you are moving into the area of global commerce, a business coach is particularly important. A competent coach can help you take the necessary start-up steps for a new business abroad, providing help with legal requirements and taxation issues in the firm's foreign location. A coach who is conversant with the companies and customs of other countries can also provide valuable assistance in negotiating with new vendors, distributors, and purchasers.

For example, in Europe business coaches have experience in both local business culture as well as being fluent in several languages. For those embarking on their first attempt at entrepreneurship, professional coaching can be of inestimable worth in helping make ties with local vendors for raw materials, as well as wholesalers and distributors who will be the ones to bring your product to market.

A business coach can also help your business understand the consumers that form its target market. Different cultures have different incentives in place for various products. Some items that are considered necessary in the West are considered luxury goods elsewhere, and vice versa. Coaches with knowledge of local customs can help a new company establish itself by marketing its products to local consumers in a way that they will find appealing, leading to rapid growth in sales and profits.

Coaches can help companies find their way through the complex environments of international commerce and shipping. Many companies have failed with their international operations because they couldn't find a way to get through the red tape of export duties, quotas, and tariffs. Fortunately, a business coach company that specializes in foreign trade has the knowledge and experience that you need to successfully export and import goods and achieve big profits.

International business is full of risks. However, it also has great promise for boosting profits and increasing revenue. A business coach can help cut short the path to launching successfully in the global market. Among other things, they can offer expertise with the cultural aspects that can be so central to whether an enterprise succeeds or fails when working with a foreign culture.

A coach can assist you with the complex logistics involved with selling and shipping internationally. These business coaches are important for anyone starting in the international business field. A skilled coach can help to start a business in a foreign country by navigating legal and tax implications. They can also assist in understanding your end user, the customer. They are familiar with the geographic areas that are their specialty. An entrepreneur launching operations in foreign markets can benefit greatly from professional coaching. An experienced coach company that is up to date on these regulations can help a company thrive world wide.

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An Overview of Marketing Affiliate Programs

By E Walker

A relatively new method of generating income in the age of the Internet is called affiliate marketing. It is an option for making money that a great many site owners have adopted, with a great deal of success.

The site owners who agree to allow another company to use their Web site to promote their products receive a commission from the sale of these items. It costs the host company nothing up front to have their products offered by other Web sites; no money will change hands until the new customer decides to purchase the product from the main Web site.

The way these affiliate programs work is actually quite simple. They seek to reward webmasters for allowing an outside company to promote their affiliate marketing products and other materials on their sites. Consider for a moment the example of Webmaster A who owns a site that promotes a series of e-books. Webmaster A gets a certain amount of traffic to his or her site, which generates a certain level of sales. Now consider how the level of sales activity would increase if Webmaster A had 100, 1,000, or even 10,000 sites offering that same ebook for sale. More sites means more sales! It's a very simple but effective concept.

Affiliate Marketing Illustration

If your site generates a growing amount of traffic each month, it would be a very good idea to consider offering some related products to your customers as an affiliate of another site. The idea is a relatively simple one, but one that has proven to be quite effective over the last few years.

Both small and large businesses can benefit from affiliate marketing programs. Small businesses can promote their products to customers from around the world. With the number of new Web sites growing on a daily basis, there will always be new places for a company to promote their products. Large companies have the capability of promoting themselves on an even grander scale, generally in the thousands of Web sites.

Webmasters also like the idea of affiliate marketing because it can be quite a lucrative alternative source of income. The name of the game in Internet marketing is to create multiple income streams wherever possible and becoming an affiliate certainly fits the bill. One is not limited to one affiliate program on a Web site; site owners are free to choose several products they would like to promote and with the variety of products and materials that are marketed in this fashion, they will have no trouble finding an affiliate program or programs they would like to participate in.

With affiliate marketing programs paying anywhere up to a 35%-50% commission on a single sale, there is no question that this is a most appealing opportunity for many people. In fact, the potential earnings for those involved in affiliate programs is virtually unlimited!

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A Complete Source Of Information

By Russell R. Hughes

If there's anything you want to know, all you need to do is log on to the Internet. It's filled with information and provides so many resources which are readily available. These include articles, guides, definitions, explanations, essays, tutorials, ebooks and much more, all offering comprehensive information on wide and varied topics of common interest.

The numerous search engines and directories supply millions of web pages on whatever topic you search for. Web users of the current day can find just about anything with a few keyboard taps and mouse clicks. The only drawback is that all the resulting information displayed are scattered across various websites, making it a somewhat tiring task to visit each page separately and collect the information you need.

What if there's a place to search and get all the information you want instantly? It would be the easiest, quickest and most resourceful way to access comprehensive information instantly. A single source for every little thing you want to know - wouldn't that be great?

Quite often, when you search for a particular piece of information, you come across instances when unrelated information is also displayed in the search results. While this is not entirely a hindrance, it makes your job a little more difficult. Having a complete information resource at a single location helps to work around this issue. Researchers, students, teachers, writers, marketeers and anyone else who wishes to find specific information will have easier access to comprehensive information through such means.

A reliable, comprehensive and authoritative resource capable of providing insight in to the entire range of human knowledge is indeed the best possible way to find out about any field and subject. Whatever the purpose, been able to access a plethora of information in one place is very convenient and useful to everyone

Humans are knowledge seekers, constantly looking for extra information and things to learn whenever possible. Reading, listening and watching whatever we can, we are always trying to improve our knowledge through gathering more information. If you are also among those who continuously try to keep up with new developments while running the daily rate race, it's not a surprise if you fall behind sometimes. This is another reason why having a complete information source in an easily accessible place is an instant convenience for all of us.

A compilation of resources from reputed authors and publishers sharing their vast knowledge with everyone in the world is a great source for finding comprehensive informations about various aspects of every possible subject.

Whether you need to find some information about successful small business entrepreneurship or desperately need a guide on travelling as a vegetarian, it's a matter of clicking in one huge knowledgebase with all the information you could possibly need.

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Home Based Business - Rome wasn't built in a day

By Thomas Griffin

Running your home based business allows you to live a dream; a stress free atmosphere, silence, absence of dress code, etc. Some consider such conditions ideal for working while others beg to differ. You can face another extreme - isolation, which is accompanied with inability to interact with colleagues in person.

Humans are social 'creatures' and even when you are sure that you want everyone to leave you alone, in reality the isolation appears unbearable. So be sure that you really feel comfortable when you work alone, at home, far from office hectic environment.

There are people that quit the idea to run home based business halfway since they are unable to endure competition, the tempo of such lifestyle and inability to develop the business as quickly as one would like. Well, sometimes it seems that your own home based business which you have been creating with your own efforts is a test to your determination.

You will get used to the fact that it is all up to you to steer the direction to move your business; and each step you make can be crucial. There are no ideal, 'smooth' ways for any business. The so called 'ups and downs' are quite natural, especially at the early stages. The first results you make won't be as significant as you expect them to be, still, 'Rome wasn't built in a day', and you have one more justification confirming this rule. If you used to be involved in 'traditional' business you have surely experienced 'falls' and it is easier to understand what to expect in online home based business. If not, it is never to late to impart practical business skills to yourself.

In such conditions the aforementioned 'ups and downs' may seem like a daunting task. You have to make all the decisions and you have nobody at hand for consultation. Be prepared to overcome all adversities, and you will find the strength and determination to go on making small steps towards success

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Up-To-Date Tips For Superlative PPC Management

By Elance

Well known to you are the useful pay-per-click admin tools of Wordtracker and Overture along with AdWord Accelerator. These tool help evaluate and set up keywords, bidprices and find the top performing ads. Lets look at some others that have attributes that make them singular and a valuable asset. There are two: Keywords Analyzer ( and Adword Analyzer (

When you need a screwdriver and you head to your toolbox chances are that you will have both a Philips and a slotted screwdriver. You have uses for both, so you keep both to use as needed. It is the same story for keyword tools. They all have their uses, and having more of them is like owning a complete set of tools.

Don't stop discovery there. The initial string of keywords you get, long or not, is not complete. At one point AltaVista said that a whopping 20 percent of its total searches were completely unique. There is no knowing what a person will search for, but to help get a little better idea what they might be looking for here are some ideas:

You'll want lots of synonyms and related subjects in your stockpile of keywords so that you can be sure you're reaching people who are looking for what you've got.

You can try bidding on brand names, though you'll have to work through the copyright issues yourself. Google has had a score of its own legal headaches as a result of allowing AdWords users to bid on trademarked names. Nevertheless, names of companies, magazines, associations, famous people, and famous places may all relate to your product. For example, for "billiards" you might bid on the name of famous pool player Jeremy Jones. For drums you might bid on "Buddy Rich."

Misspellings are a big opportunity, because so many advertisers don't bid on them, and the clickthrough rate is often higher. For a Lord of the Rings promotion, "Tolkein" (misspelled) got twice the CTR of "Tolkien" (spelled correctly).

An impressive website that is handy for pay-per-click advertisers is In essence it is a massive thesaurus that utilizes the internet to compile synonyms and relevant concepts into a comprehensive list. What an entertaining site to fiddle with! Just bidding on the conventional word not on variations you will miss out. Utilizing "expanded phrase matching" feature Google offers can help, but it is better to use the exact words people type in and it will almost always cost you less. Example: WalMart, Wal-Mart, Wal Mart.

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Big Ticket To Wealth - Roadmap To Riches Exposed!

By Aaron Johnson

Big Ticket To Wealth (Bttw) and Roadmap To Riches (r2r) are both online marketing businesses that offer high commissions on direct sales to their affiliates that market their products. CEO Gerald Van Yerxa launched Big Ticket To Wealth at the beginning of December 2007 to offer a new and unique opportunity to the marketplace. CEO Brian Grant launched Roadmap To Riches at the end of June 2007 to capitalize on the personal development industry. So with all the buzz these two opportunities are getting, what are the products being sold and how does the compensation plans breakdown?

What Are The Products?

Big Ticket To Wealth is considered to have a turnkey wealth creating marketing system that provides all the tools, resources and products necessary to make a 6 - 7 figure income. Some of the products available include: exclusive flash videos, online marketing software, videos, manuals, e-books, and recently added vacation packages. The flag ship product is The Big Ticket flash videos which cost $1,200 to $1,500 per. minute to produce and demos are included on the corporate website.

With Roadmap To Riches you will gain access to a personal library of personal development e-books, and videos to help with your mindset. There is also software available to teach you internet marketing techniques and help you attract more customers. Members that purchase the products receive 100% resell rights and are able to market the products as an affiliate of the program.

Also both opportunities provide a 98% automated marketing system, lead capture pages, auto-responder messages and private members back office full of products, tools, resources and training material.

Compensation Plans Explained

There are three different levels in the Big Ticket To Wealth comp plan - National, Executive and Presidential members. As a national member you will make $300 per direct sale and make $300 on matching override bonuses from all your direct members sales. As a executive member earn up to $500 per direct sale and up to $700 on matching override bonuses. Presidential members will receive up to $900 per direct sale and up to $1500 on matching override bonuses. All member will also receive residual income up to $50 monthly on all their direct members $75/mo hosting and licensing fees. All this creates multiple streams of income, leverage and true long term residual income with your members never breaking away from you and becoming competition.

The Roadmap To Riches has a modified 2-up structured comp plan. Members earn $499.50 on the 1st two $999 sales and those two new members are 'passed up' to your sponsor. On your 3rd sale on you will earn $999 on all your direct sales and receive 499.50 on the pass up sales from your new members 1st two sales only. Also there is a $49.50/mo hosting and licensing fee to use the marketing system that is not commissionable.

In conclusion you must decide which opportunity is the right fit for you and find a successful sponsor with an incentive to coach you in your new business venture. To learn more about how Real Map Marketing generates a six figure income on the internet working from home visit: Real Map Marketing

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Tips On Government Grants For Women

By James Redder

Is it safe to say that you are reading this article because you are seeking knowledge on getting government grants for women? One of the most ideal financial ways to start your business is through grants. Grants tend to be given to those who will contribute to the economy at large while starting their own small business. Business grants are given to people who qualify from the federal government. A point to remember is that since grants are not loans they don't have to be paid back.

Choosing Between A Business Loan Or Business Grant

Another difference between grants and loans is that grants don't usually require security deposits, co-signers, credit checks or collateral. Periodic progress reports are usually what is required from you. These are to keep them abreast of the progress you are making toward the stated goals on your application. And also to provide a checks and balances to ensure that grant money is being used as previously specified. If you want more information on business grants and related topics then check the resource box.

A Look At Women's Business Grants

Woman can run a home-based business or a business outside of the home by using business grants. This includes but not limited to:

1) Office Rent. 2) Office expenses and overhead. 3) Salaries and related expenses. 4) Start a new or expand an existing business. 5) Acquisition of a new or existing business. 6) Equipment financing.

These are generally given to small business owners who are women to promote and encourage business growth. You are eligible for a grant if you are at least 18 years old.

Governments Grants Purpose

An excellent way to support a business idea and also make the dreams of an aspiring entrepreneur turn into reality would be to get a grant. The government has the following type of grants available:

1) Education grants. 2) Housing grants. 3) Business grants for starting a new business. 4) Individual grants for personal necessities.

This is just a small sample of the type of grants available. Consult the resource box at the end of this article for more information.

Business Grants And Women

There are grants for women to buy existing businesses. Another way to qualify for a government grant is to excel in your respective field. Attending business school is another great reason to qualify for a grant. Keep in mind that you do NOT have to repay a business grant to the funding agency or the government.

Women And Government Grants

Studies have shown that up to seventy five percent of women small business owners tend to be successful. Add that to the fact that as a group when applying for government grants women have the biggest advantage. In fact specifically earmarked for women are several business grant types. Small business grant funding does come with some limitations that haven't been discussed here. For a lot more information on this and grants in whole see the resource box. Just remember you may have to go in front of a foundation or a governing council's grant board to get your funding. Small price to pay for your self employment isn't it? When are you going to get started?

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You Must Follow These Tips on Wholesale and Drop Shipping

By Thomas Griffin

1. Thorough market research is the foundation for success Meticulous market research doubles your chances of making a tidy profit from the wholesale goods you buy. Start off with a list of 5-10 different ideas. Then check completed listings searches on eBay to see what the item generally sells for and the sell-through rate for each one. Use Yahoo's free keyword tool to find out how many people are searching Yahoo for your product per month. You can double this figure for Google. Add the numbers together. If there are ten thousand or more searches per month for an item, this indicates a healthy market.

2. Calculate the REAL cost of your item One big reason why people fail at the wholesale game is that they don't do the numbers. In other words, they don't treat wholesale like a real business. To accurately discover your true profit potential on an item, you need to add the shipping cost and insurance, eBay fees (or equivalent for other advertising), Paypal and/or credit card fees (these can be a real profit killer), packaging costs and labor involved packaging, and any storage costs to the cost of your item.

3. Verify ALL suppliers found on the Internet Getting caught out by scammers is a common stumbling block for people new to wholesale. If you are searching for suppliers off your own bat (rather than using a wholesale directory like SaleHoo), it is CRITICAL to check authenticity before making a purchase.

4. Chinese suppliers give the competitive edge Chinese suppliers are an essential source for anyone wishing to make money selling online. Manufacturing costs are currently extremely low in China, thus it is the secret to gaining a competitive edge. Dealing with China does have risks, but these can be alleviated if you place a small order first, use secure payment methods, get shipping insurance for 110% of the cost of the items, and use suppliers with a good reputation.

5. A common stumbling block for liquidation and closeout Always obtain the reasons for liquidation and closeout sales before you buy. Liquidation and Closeout sales can be a fantastic source for cheap products, but you usually have to buy by the pallet load and these can sometimes include broken or returned goods that aren't in saleable condition. To be safe, ask specifically whether broken items and returns are included before you buy.

6. Negotiate on shipping and save Shipping economically is critical to importing success. Profits can easily get swamped in shipping costs, so take time to get a good deal on shipping. If possible, negotiate CIF (Cost, Insurance & Freight) or DDP (Delivery, duty paid) shipping terms with your supplier as this takes much of the risk - not to mention organization - off your shoulders. FOB (Freight on Board) is the most common shipping term, but don't be afraid to negotiate for better.

7. Drop shipping - can you really afford it? Drop shipping sounds great in theory - someone taking care of packaging, wrapping and postage - but it can be difficult to profit from this method. Think about it, drop shipping can add another $2-10 to your costs - sometimes even 10% of the cost of the item. By the time you add in eBay fees and any other costs, you may find it is not worth it.

8. Warehouse storage checklist Asset management is the most important consideration when locating warehousing to store your items. Believe it or not, items can go missing while in storage, causing massive disruption for you. When comparing warehouses, ask questions specifically on how you will authorize the release of stock (by phone or fax?), what will happen if you need to cancel an order, frequency of damage claims, dust management, and whether there is an area you can use to photograph items.

9. Powerseller wealth It's a fact - eBay powersellers are able to command higher prices for their items than ordinary eBay sellers. To get the best profits on your wholesale items, you need to aim to get and maintain powerseller status.

10. Growth with a website and eBay store The way to increase profits from wholesale is to build your own website and/or open an eBay store. This allows you to cross sell items plus it also makes it easier for people to find what they are looking for. For example, if you sell shoes, then customers can easily navigate to browse all black shoes in size 9 and so on. Always include a sentence at the bottom of your descriptions encouraging visitors to check out your other listings - most people will.

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Zig Ziglar's "The Heart of a Salesperson

By Brian Sylvan

In his household Zig Ziglar was the only one who liked to play golf. He tells the following story about one hole he played with his less than enthusiastic son.

Like most people who don't like something when they first start out, Zig Ziglar's son didn't like playing golf, at first. This was of course until he ended up with his first chance at Birdie.

This was his first chance at a Birdie. Zig lined him up and his son knocked it in. Naturally, his son was jubilant. Next it was Zig Ziglar's turn. It was also on the green with a shot at birdie.

He knew he had to play the ball well, or his son would know that he gave it to him. He sank it easily.

As he was pulling the ball from the cup, he asked his son if he was pulling for him, even though he knew that he wouldn't win the hole. His son said that he always pulled for him.

Zig Ziglar's son demonstrated pure love for his father. He pulled for him because it would be for his father's benefit to sink the putt.

Zig Ziglar uses an acronym for H.E.A.R.T.


Empathy - for your client


Reserves - Mental, physical and spiritual

Toughness - learning to love is tough.

As a salesperson, your job is to persuade. Don't be a slimy salesperson, trying to persuade prospects to buy what they don't need. Instead, learn to have the client's best interest at heart.

If you have the right attitude, the right spirit, you are convinced of what you're doing and you have love in your heart, you'll pull for people to buy your product for their benefit.

This is the kind of love that every salesperson needs in his selling.

Zig Ziglar has famously said, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care about them."

If you have the right heart, you'll want your prospects to buy because you know they will win when they buy. You communicate with your feelings and belief.

The minute you start pulling for them to buy for their benefit, you become more professional, more effective, more loving and you sell more. And you'll be able to sell them again and again and again. Before long, they'll send you to their friends and relatives

Pull for your client to buy your product because it makes the customer the big winner. You can become the person you want to be. Make sure your heart is right. Do some self-searching to make sure your selling for the right reasons.

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Project Management Training Course For New Hire In Software Firms

By George Purdy

Project management means knowing how to get things done as efficiently and effectively as possible. If your skills in this area aren't quite what you'd like them to be, you need to consider taking a project management training program. Project management training programs are readily available via the internet which means you don't even have to drive to classes. How much more efficient can you get?

Though the options for online project management training are many, that doesn't necessarily mean it will be easy to find the right one for you. One good way to decide if a project management training course is of the quality that you need is if it leads to eligibility for certification. Though not everyone is interested in certification, if the option is available it likely means that the course is a more complete one.

Price can be a major factor in determining which choice to make, so a small business owner or employee paying his own way may choose the least expensive course. Whichever course you choose, make sure that you know if any guarantees or refunds are offered if you are not satisfied, and read any available reviews of the course before you enroll. As with any company, check with the Better Business Bureau or other reliability bureau to be sure the courses come from a legitimate source.

What content is desirable in a .project management training course? Curriculum of the course should include topics of management not only of people, but also of resources. Things to look for include both psychological training, as well as the actual workings of areas such as budgeting, communication, energy, and other related concrete topics. When analyzing potential project management programs look for the triad of scope, time and cost.

When considering a project management training course, look beyond the syllabus' list of topics. Consider your own learning style; should you attend an online course, or one in a brick and mortar institution, perhaps at a local college or university? Remember that neither cost or convenience is not the goal; the goal is to learn how to manage a project to a successful outcome.

A project management training course can help business managers and owners in the short term, and could lead to an entirely new and profitable career. Experienced, certified project managers can earn over one hundred dollars per hour, and demand for their services is large and growing rapidly. Becoming certified in project management will add considerable marketing value to your business degree.

Anyone who has a need to get things done should consider a project management training course. Project management is the skill and science of getting things done, in the most efficient and effective way possible. Though the options for online project management training are many, it may not be easy to find the right one for you. One way to decide if a project management training program is right for you is if it leads to eligibility for certification. Though not everyone is interested in certification, if the option is available it likely means that the course is a more complete one.

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Warranties For Less Reviewed

By Real Map Marketing

Success story or not? "When I was 1st exposed to network marketing it was selling soap". His 1st check was a few dollars. His 2nd month was almost $400 and his third month he broke $1,000. Very hard work for very little money based on his goals. Within 2 years he was generating over $10,000 per month as promised, but with a trial of failures that didn't duplicate his results.

Not much has changed today with the failure rate still over 97% in the MLM industry. And even just as shocking less than 1% earn over $1,000 per month. Many people are still struggling and looking for a solution to this broken industry.

The good news is there are still a select few that earn millions in this industry. One MLM company has 12 top earners bringing in over 1 Million dollars per year. That is out of over 500,000 people that joined and 160,000 active distributors.

IMAGINE, $1,000 + per month to only 1 out of 100 , $10,000 + per month to only 1 out of 1,000 committed distributors. Ultimately, $100,000 + per month to the very determined and productive 1 out of 10,000 members and that had been the case for the last 50 years in the MLM Industry. Until Warranties For Less (WFL) came on the scene, restructured and revolutionized the industry by putting the odds in your favorite .

What Makes WFL Different?

a)Majority of companies charge about $50 per month for a product that pays out only $20 in commissions. WFL sells a $1795 viable product that pays out a $1,000 in commissions.

b)Where most companies try to get you to jump through hoops to begin earning the bulk of the management commissions. WFL pays a person all such management commissions based on only one sale a year.

c)Typical MLM companies have you inventory, monthly auto-ship and minimum sales requirements. WFL, no inventory, no auto-ship and no cost to join.

d)Where most company marketing plans are designed for failure where as a new person has to do a lot to earn a little. WFL 's marketing plan was designed for people to do a little to earn a lot, at least a lot compared to most other MLM opportunities.

Compensation Plan?

WFL pays out over $500 per sale and that number increases as you continue to build your sales force. That $500 is 10 times what your typical MLM pays out per sale. WFL also has several other income streams that create incredible leverage and team synergy.

About the Author:

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Free GDI Central America Spanish Home Business Opportunity

By Free GDI Global Domains International Central America Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama

Earn a great Income for Life in Free GDI Global Domains International Central America Home Business Opportunity Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama. Thousands of Spanish people worldwide are earning quiet fortunes, from their homes, even while they sleep. Are you next?

How are the people of Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama doing it? By joining the Free Global Domains International Business. You can try it for Free. It is easy to sign up at my free GDI Global Domains International link at the bottom of this review. The most attractive aspect of the Spanish South American GDI International Home Business Opportunity is it's powerful automation. From professional presentations to the new DVD recruiting tools, people from all over the world are making a great income from GDI.

Since the people ofCentral American Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama GDI business opportunity is international, your potential prospects are literally in the 100s of millions. As new people get online every day, they are looking for an excellent website domain name. Most of the good .COMs are taken, but .WS is wide open. This .COM business is exploding.

Here is just a small sample of what GDI gives you for the Free Trial. Your very own web domain with hosting plus you get 10 email accounts. GDI associates also get access to the sitebuilder program to create a great looking website.

The number one best part about this home business opportunity for the people of Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama is that you don't have to do any selling. That's right NO SELLING. Just let people watch the Spanish GDI video website that you will have with your name on it and people will sign up.

Please click the link below and sign up for Free today. All the people of Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama take advantage of this Free Home Business Opportunity today.

Please click the link below and sign up for Free now. All the people of Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama take advantage of this Free Home Business Opportunity today. The link will take you directly to the official GDI sign up site for FREE.

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Career Coaches: A Little Help On The Road To Success

By George Purdy

No matter what field you choose to develop a career in there are important skills to develop that would fit any business. It is important to develop and learn these skills from the beginning of your career. If you do not learn these necessary business traits your career will not advance as fast as you would like. Career coaches can help you develop these skills early on and you should seek their advice while you are still studying in your desired field.

Business schools will teach you about the value of professional networking. That can be very important to learn. Although having industry knowledge is good and necessary, knowing people who value knowledge can equally important, if not more.

However, say you are not enrolled in college or fortunate enough to work with really bright and intelligent individuals. Career coaches will help provide you with access to a circle of qualified professional contacts for you to refer to when in need of advice.

Never underestimate the value of career networking. The proper contacts can assist you in landing a dream job at the best firms regardless of industry or profession. Many jobs are never advertised and are available only to those in the know. This is where professional networking is critical.

The majority of career coaches have several years' worth of experience in the business world and have connections to many firms' senior managers. In addition, several coaches can connect you with contacts in diverse fields such as talent management and global organizations' recruitment groups.

By utilizing your contact network, you'll find that it much easier to get jobs in the fields you desire. Furthermore, you'll already have people available to give you career advice and guidance who are already knowledgeable about your field. Career coaches can help you make professional acquaintances who will do just that. They can broaden your horizons and help you make professional contacts whom you would never meet otherwise while finishing your education.

Career coaches can teach you what you need to know to be successful in your field of work. The value of career networking can never be underestimated. These people can help you land with great jobs at some of the top-notch firms regardless of the industry you are interested to work in. Actually, some jobs are never advertised on job portals. They are publicized word-of-mouth and that's where professional networking comes into play. Coaches can help you make professional acquaintances who will do just that. They can broaden your horizons and help you make professional contacts with whom you would never meet otherwise while finishing your education.

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Spanish Free GDI Home Business Opportunity Site Income For Life


Make Money for Life in ARGENTINA BOLIVIA CHILE COLOMBIA EQUADOR PARAGUAY PERU URUGUAY and VENEZUELA. 1000s of Spanish people worldwide are earning quiet fortunes, from their homes, even while they sleep. Are you next?

How are they doing it? Buy joining the Free Global Domains International Business. You can try it for Free. It is easy to sign up at my free GDI Global Domains International link at the bottom of this review. The most attractive aspect of the Spanish South American GDI International Home Business Opportunity is it's powerful automation. From professional presentations to the new DVD recruiting tools, people from all over the world are making a great income from GDI.

Since the Spanish GDI business opportunity is international, your potential prospects are literally in the 100s of millions. As new people get online every day, they are looking for an excellent website domain name. Most of the good .COMs are taken, but .WS is wide open. This .COM business is exploding.

Here is just a small sample of what GDI gives you for the Free Trial. Your own web domain with hosting plus you get 10 email accounts. GDI associates also get access to the sitebuilder program to create a great looking website.

The absolute best part about this free home business opportunity for the people of ARGENTINA BOLIVIA CHILE COLOMBIA EQUADOR PARAGUAY PERU URUGUAY and VENEZUELA is that you don't have to do any selling. That's right NO SELLING. Just let people watch the Spanish GDI video website that you will have with your name on it and people will sign up.

Please click the link below and sign up for Free. All the people of ARGENTINA BOLIVIA CHILE COLOMBIA EQUADOR PARAGUAY PERU URUGUAY and VENEZUELA take advantage of this Free Home Business Opportunity offer today.

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The Benefits of a Home Based Business

By joe cotroneo

When taking advantage of the Internet, the prospect of working from home is quite the appealing idea for many people. However, it is important to realize that a successful home based business usually doesn't sprout up overnight. You must have the patience and willpower to take the time and effort needed to see results and possess the flexibility to alter your approach when the time should come. All of the patience, determination, and restraint you put into a home based business is worth it, regardless if you begin a traditional business approach or seek one based on the Internet.

One of the most significant advantages of a home based business is that you can start small and gradually build it. This means you can keep your regular job until your business has grown to a level you can afford to operate it on a full time basis. If you have a family and need to continue earning a certain income, you can start a home based business without compromising your family's financial security

Another advantage of starting a home internet based business is the low start up cost. As long as you have a computer and an internet connection, you can start a home based business if you have one or more products or services to sell. Even a web presence can be achieved easily and economically.

Starting a home based business also proves beneficial to family life, as your schedule is able to open up - making room for attending vital school events, milestones, and other family demands. Another home based business advantage includes the savings in travel once spent moving to and from a typical job site that can now benefit increased family time.

A home based business has low over head. Marketing tools and strategies for an online business are also less expensive. You will be surprised to find how many are free, including creating your own web presence. Let us not forget the fact that your business is also portable, especially if your business is internet based. You can literally work from anywhere you wish. As long as you can get an internet connection you could be putting in your hours at work lounging on the beach or watching your child at practices for their sports.

While this author can certainly attest to this fact; it is very difficult to develop an online business for free. Yet free traffic is the best traffic for an online business since it is "organic" and highly targeted. Take the time to learn various techniques of online marketing such as article marketing, and you may very well start a stampede of visitors to your site you could not turn off even if you wanted to!

The ability to obtain tax benefits when starting a home based business is another advantage associated with working at home. This also helps to offset some of the home expenses you already incur. Some people have claimed a percentage of their power costs as a tax deduction pertaining to the home when starting a business. Training and other business related expenses (such as taking a class) are also legitimate tax claims.

The advantages to having your own home based business far exceed any downside there could be to working from home. As long as you are realistic and realize that you will not be "rich" overnight and you are willing to be dedicated and put in the time you will be successful. The easy part is starting; the hard part is making it work and getting profit out of it. Remember patience, persistence and perseverance are the keys to being successful. There are many people working from home and being successful following those precious little ideas.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Can there possibly be a better way?

By John Wallen

There was a time when a day wouldn't go by and that thought of, there has to be a better way then this, would cross my mind. I know I'm not alone, that's a very universal thought, I'm sure. Not to many of us have the kind of money it takes to start a business and getting into the right business is where it's at. Working for someone else doesn't get most people any where to quick!

When it comes to opening a business, most of us don't have a clue what to do. What kind of business would it be? I decided a while back to keep a eye on the internet, get on there in my spare time and see what people were up to. It's incredible what can be done with the help of one's imagination. This new day and age is amazing, an eye opening experience. I was seeing the opportunity to make money a lot differently!

I got a buddy of mine interested in doing the same thing. After a while it was pretty entertaining, comparing the different internet opportunities we were finding. It is incredible, all the hype and garbage there is on the web. But we were both determined to find that one legitimate opportunity that was put together perfectly, an online business that was really working!

I was definitely putting in some time on the web, and I was getting some pretty good feed back on what people were doing. There are so many empty biz-ops, you really have to be careful. It totally amazes me what people want you to buy into! Most of these dead end, so called businesses won't be around in four or five months.

Another interesting thing we found was, the product and training, ninety five percent of the time was terrible. We get excited and say to ourselves an internet business sounds like a good idea, but you want a business that works and you can be in for a long time. The only one's that are making big money, know what their doing. You want to get connected to those kinds of minds.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about, I use a separate email address where I have information sent about possible business opportunities. This person sends me some details with a link to a website, the offer on the website went like this. For only twenty dollars I can use this website and the ebooks that come with it. Now this sounds like a good deal.

I would make twenty dollars then on every sale of that website and ebooks. This is not a credible business to get involved with. In the first place this is just a quick scheme to make a buck and the products were useless materials. I could sell five to ten of these a day, but I'm not selling anyone a useless product. I see this all the time, as much as one hundred fifty plus, for useless information.

If you want to be involved with a business online, it should be a legitimate, credible business. If your not able to sit in over the internet and get weekly training from those that know what their doing, you'll never know if what your doing is going to ever work. You'll want a back office area you can log onto and access more archived training and where you have all your updated marketing tools. And most of all choose a business where it's possible to make thousands monthly and direct deposit, so your not having to wait for a check to be cut!

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Automotive sales training guide to using humor for selling cars

By Mak

A small but true story on using humor with your customers...

I have a friend that's a salesperson in the car business. Now, he is extremely good at what he does. He is very good at following the basics, a great closer, following up, prospecting etc. But one of his strong points is making people laugh.

Here is what he used to do. Picture a jam packed showroom on a Saturday. My friend would get out of his cubicle wearing these silly black glasses, with the big nose and the moustache and come to the middle of the showroom and start this hilarious speech in front of everyone. He did have a talent for being a great public speaker. But a gimmick like this worked very well for him. So get creative and see what works for you. But the idea is to be humorous and not rude.

Now I'm not saying for you to turn into a stand up comedian like my friend, but all I'm saying is if you have a great sense of humor, use that to your advantage. In my experience selling, I have noticed that superstar salespeople in this business are ones that work smart, follow a plan and has a great sense of humor. All superstar salespeople are very likeable and they spend a lot of time, effort and money on educating themselves to get even better. But the ones that think there is no room for improvement, those are the ones that never grows. Learn to make a friend before you sell them something. Making a friend is the same thing as building rapport.

What to avoid when building rapport...

Don't you feel good about yourself when you can sell a car, make a friend and get a happy customer? Sure you do. And that all comes down to building rapport. But don't forget your objective. And that's to sell a car. Try NOT to get emotionally attached to the customer where you forget your job. There is a clear difference between getting emotionally involved with the customer and building rapport. Master the skill of building rapport without getting emotionally involved. You'll have a hard time closing the sale if sympathize on every situation the customer has.

Think about this; if you're emotionally involved, how will you present your deals to your managers? All you'll end up doing is sympathizing for your customer. If you approach the sale this way it will weigh your judgment and affect your selling ability.

Rather than sympathizing with your customer, learn to empathize with your customer. Remember most of your customers are buying a very expensive product which ranges in the thousands. So yes, you do have to understand their feelings. If you can understand their feelings, the customer will begin to trust you. So understand them and learn to empathize to build rapport and gain trust. But don't sympathize, once you do that, that's when you'll lose track of the sale.

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A Study of Marketing Basics Using King Solomon's Principles

By Bobby Keating

With a little study we can see that there are several concepts and misconceptions about marketing that need to be addressed before we get into the meat of this article. The basic concept of marketing is 'the diversity of activities used in assuring that we are meeting the needs of our clients and that we are getting a valuable return in response.' A major misconception of marketing is that it only entails 'advertising your product or service.' Advertising is important, however, it is only one component in the process of marketing.

We can define the core meaning of marketing as 'understanding' your clients' needs and 'developing' a plan that effectively addresses those needs. By understanding marketing in this way, a business owner who desires to see his business 'grow' can set the proper goals.

The most effective way to grow or expand a business is to focus on 'organic growth.' In order to understand 'organic growth', we need to realize that a business is a living organism. We can either let it fend for itself or we can determine what it needs to help it grow. By determining what the business needs we can thus determine what we need to do to make it thrive.

Let's look at two basic elements of marketing to help us get a better idea of the activities that we need to do to create a successful business. The first element of marketing that we need to consider is 'developing a marketing plan.' The second element is your 'ongoing promotion.' A serious mistake that many business owners make is to create a product or service and immediately begin an advertising campaign. After a further explanation of these two basic elements, you'll understand why this mistake can be a disappointing and costly one.

Developing a 'marketing plan' or 'marketing strategy' is essential to the well being of a business. The first step in creating a marketing plan is to do a little research and analysis. Don't slap yourself on the forehead in exasperation. This is not as difficult as the name implies. It may take a little time but is well worth every minute.

To help us get started, let's begin by looking at a simplified explanation of 'marketing analysis.' We should apply two of Solomon's Keys to Success at this point.

Proverbs 1:5 (NASB) "A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel," Wise counsel can be found in many forms. We should also remember, for those of us who think we know best, "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man is he who listens to counsel." Proverbs 12:15 (NASB) In a nutshell marketing analysis involves the following:

A well planned market analysis contains the following:

1.) Discover which groups of potential customers (or markets) there are,

2.) Decide which of these groups of customers fit our marketing preference (target markets),

3.) Determining the needs of our target market,

4.) Choosing the best products or services that might meet the needs of our target market,

5.) Determining how our potential customers might use our products and services,

6.) Learning what our competitors are doing,

7.) Determining the pricing formula that we should use and

8.) Deciding how we should distribute our products and services to our target markets.

There are numerous methods of 'market research' that can be used to gather information concerning markets, target markets and customer needs, competitors' products, etc. The ease of Internet research will reveal many sources of specific information. We must target our searches on the Internet search engines. This can be accomplished by beginning from a broad area of possibilities and with each subsequent search get more specific until we have discovered as much as possible about our market in general and specifically our target market. The resulting information will determine our 'niche' market, our specific area of a market that is best for our product or service.

When you have successfully developed your marketing plan, look at your 'ongoing promotions', which may include advertising, press releases, public relations, sales materials and customer service to name only a few. These terms can become confusing: advertising, marketing, promotion, public relations and publicity. These terms are often used interchangeably. They refer to different -- but similar tasks.

Look at a list of simplified definition of each term.

1.) Advertising -- effectively presenting a product (or service) to potential and current customers. Advertising must be focused on one particular product or service. This demonstrates that an advertising plan for one particular product or service might not work for another product or service. Advertising is done with signs, brochures, commercials, direct mailings or e-mail messages, personal contact, website banners, etc.

2.) Promotion - Promotion is keeping our product in the minds of our client (product recognition). Our ongoing efforts in advertising and public relations are often considered elements of promotions.

3.) Public Relations -- ongoing processes we use to ensure that our business has a strong and positive public image. This is referred to as "PR."

4.) Publicity -- Publicity is public or 'media' attention, whether favorable or not. These are the review that others present of your product or service and can include news releases. These are only a few terms that are good to learn.

These are only a few terms that are good to learn. The health and well being of a business, your business, is truly determined by the amount of diligent study that you do and the application of the principles that you learn through study. To best know your product or service or customers or competitors, you must develop a sincere determination to be as diligent as possible.

Memorize these success principles found in Solomon's Proverbs to help you develop a growing and successful business.

Proverbs 10:4 (NASB) "Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, but the hand of the diligent makes rich."

Proverbs 12:24 (NLT) "Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and become a slave."

Proverbs 13:4 (NLT) "The Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper"

Proverbs 21:5 (The Amplified Bible) "The thoughts of the [steadily] diligent tend only to plenteousness, but everyone who is impatient and hasty hastens only to want."

Memorize this last Proverb. It will help you to focus on the tasks at hand.

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Earn money on the Internet NOW!

By Di Chapman

At Become A Virtual Assistant, we have been asked by lots of people "How can you avoid 'Working From Home Scams?'". They feel scared about working via the Internet. They hear so many stories about scams that they assume that all work offered via the net is rubbish. With a little bit of common sense, the rubbish can easily be sorted from real earning opportunities. Hopefully in this article I will be able to show you how to quickly check to see if it is real or fake. I have been working via the Internet for over 10 years so have some experience in this.

Warning - Home Typing Scams

I personally have been earning my living on the Internet by typing or website designing. There are Home Typing scams but today they are few and far between. Further on in this article I will give some pointers as to how you can work out if it is real or a fake.

Medical Billing Scam

This is similar to previous scams mentioned - the golden rule is if you are asked to pay for billing software, do not get involved.

Craft Assembly

How does this work? You are sent a pack to make crafts from I.e. wool to make scarves. Once made 'they' claim you can sell the completed items and make a profit but be warned you will be competing against places like China and you are likely to be left with many of the items yourself. What is worse, some scams ask you to send the items back to them for a quality check which you are likely to fail and therefore you never see the items or your payment again.

How to sniff out a scam

Some measures have been put in place on the Internet to protect you but here are some questions you could ask yourself to sniff out a scam:

Is there a website for the company?

What is the quality of the website?

Is it well explained and is there a lot of information available?

Are there any testimonials and do they have pictures and contact details?

Does the company offer video or other training?

Is there a money back guarantee? If so does it have a big black and gold logo giving the timescale for the guarantee? Does it simply offer a lifetime guarantee? If the company is paid via Clickbank/PayPal or PayDotCom you will ALWAYS be able to get your money back in 60 days.

Look out for other organisations that may have logos on the site that are trust logos of various types and check them out - this is down to you.

The purpose of this article is not to scare you into thinking every deal is a scam. There are still genuine sites and deals out there. Have a go at hunting out those decent websites.

Also remember - even if it is not a scam, you have to work hard to earn your money, the adverts that say $25,000 in 3 months - I take with a very large pinch of salt and would not touch them with a bargepole.

Now you are equipped with the extra knowledge about scams, follow the link at the bottom of the page. This will take you to details of a site that we have researched thoroughly and worked with. Happy safe surfing and working!

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Do You Want to Get Paid to Complete Offers for Quick Cash?

By Henry Zeng

If you would like to earn some fast cash online I highly recommend you to join some get-paid-to-complete-offer programs.

There are many paid to complete offer programs pay you money to sign up for services on sponsored websites - try out freebies, shop and get paid!

It's is a lucrative way to earn some fast cash online. In my experience, you can even earn several hundred dollars, reach your payout minimum and request your payment in a few days with these companies.

They will usually list their offers on their sites, which involve a wide range of products and services, including club memberships, free samples, free trials, credit cards offers, etc.

When you sign up for any of their offers you do not get paid $0.01 to $0.10 - you can earn up to $30 for completing a single offer!

Note that not all of their offers are free. Others are trial and a credit card might be required to complete them. And some of the sites also pay you for shopping that you earn cash back for any purchase made at their stores directories. Sometimes you will also have to pay the shipping for free trial offers or you may need to cancel within the allotted time if you do not wish to pay anything further.

Many paid offer sites also have referral programs. If you refer friends to their program, you will get a percentage of their earnings. The more people you refer, the more money you earn.

Get paid to sign up and have some fun right away, my friend. If you have not been taking advantage of the paid to complete offer type sites, then you have really missing out this great opportunity.

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A Profitable Home Based Business-Proven Advice By An Expert

By Dennis Stokes

Nothing can replace persistence and innovation if you care to have any chance of having a profitable home based business.

You can have the beauty, the smarts and the riches....It's not going to help you one bit. If you have persistence and innovation, you will have what it takes to stake your claim in a profitable home based business.

Let me recount a true story about the power of persistence and innovation

In 1990 this person I know decided he wanted to start a profitable home based business of his own.

By 2001 He was flat broke. I mean he was past broke if you could say such a thing.

He was incredibly in over his head, with a debt of $60,000 and he wasn't bringing in an income.

Never in a million years did he ever think he wouldn't have a profitable home based business by then. And how life goes, the bills kept rolling in like clockwork. Each creditor wanting their money right away.

He figured they had no clue that he didn't have a cent to pay them.

He wasn't living his dream of having a profitable home based business and he was pinned against a rock and a hard place. He had to have cash fast or he was going to lose everything, including his house. He figured this would have broken up his family for sure.

He was taking in from $500 to $1000 a month while his bills and living expenses easily reached 3000+ a month. A profitable home based business would have taken care of it but...

The math was simple and didn't add up. Every month he was going deeper and deeper in debt by paying bills with credit card cash advances.

He drained $25,000 in savings and dug himself into a $60,000 credit card pit. just ONE MONTH he was able to completely reverse what he was doing wrong when he of course figured it out. In fact, astonishingly he went from $500 a month to over $9000 in the very next month.

And it got even better with the next month pulling in $15,000 a month.

And then fantastic, with an astonishing $25,000 per month.

Then his home based Internet business was off to the races when he started making 50,000 a month.

Since then he has written in detail what happened to him and how he was able to go from what looked like a total total success...with a profitable home based business.

And what's outstanding about this is that he's developed 2 courses that explain in detail how anyone can duplicate what he's done to sustain a profitable home based business if they are persistent.

But of course he realized after developing these one of a kind courses, that there was one major variable that he could have absolutely zero control over.

Can you guess what this one uncontrollable variable is? The answer is YOU!

Each and every one of us here on this earth are unique. We're not going to do anything exactly the way someone else does it. When it come to having a profitable home based business, we are going to reach our goal in our own way. Even if we try to follow something exactly a certain way, it's always going to vary a little.

He knew that it was just a fact that all of us are unique. Our personalities, skills, experiences and cultural backgrounds etc.

Since we are all unique, a profitable home based business is not going to happen doing it just exactly like someone else. Of course I'm not saying not to learn from others, but rather we need to fit what we learn according to our own personalities.

That means to follow a model or learn information and integrate it into our very own personal business philosophy.

You need to formulate your own profitable home based business based on YOU and Who You Are!

So your home based Internet business really must reflect you as a person. Let's not get into the deep philosophy, but just to say you need to have a solid sense of who you are. This is critical to move on in your profitable home based business.

If you don't think on your own because you really don't have a sense of who you are can make it really easy to get stuck along the way. You just might have a difficult time getting past a certain challenge, because you don't think on your own. This can quickly become a real problem to having a profitable home based business.

So to unstick yourself and have the profitable home based business you always wanted. Here's 3 ways to do it.

1-Get out of the house-go somewhere completely different. It doesn't really matter how close or far away it is, just get into another environment for a day or two. It can be astonishing how getting away can energize you and help you to think clear. You need to have an unclouded mind to make a go of a profitable home based business.

2-Take a 180 degree turn in your daily routine. Do things that are totally uncharacteristic of you. Take a different road you never thought to take or learn a hobby that you wanted to do, but never considered doing. Get your mind working in a way that it has never worked before.

3-You think I'm crazy, but when you feel stuck you need to move like crazy. Jump up and down, dance wildly, shout and say whatever comes to mind. Of course you want to do this in private for obvious reasons, but doing this can stimulate your brain and thinking in a completely different direction.

Finishing off, a profitable home based business is attainable when you have and implement the right information. But it's critical that everything that is learned is integrated into who you are. Know who you are and also know along the way you will have sticking points in your progress. Use the techniques that are described in the articles to get unstuck, so you can attain your dreams of success.

About the Author:

Liberty League Success - Everything You Need To Know Part 1

By Tom Culbertson

In articles many people will say why they didn't join Liberty League International. Since these people did not actually join the company how do they now what LLI is really all about. Early in 2008 I went and joined Liberty League and will share with you some facts and also some personal opinions about Liberty League International.

So what does LLI sell? They sell products that deal with personal development.

When you decide to join LLI you're given the option of buying their first personal development product. It consists of 3 audio's, a dvd, workbook, wrist band, small notepad, and last a pen. The cost for the package is around $1530. If you don't want to buy the product that's fine but keep in mind you'll then have to pass up your first five sales before you can begin to make money with Liberty League International.

If you buy Liberty Leagues personal development product you only have to pass up your first two sales and then your qualified to start making money at LLI.

There are two more personal development products that the company sells and these are conference tickets. This is where I got confused because how can a conference ticket be a personal development product. I never had the opportunity to participate in either of the two conferences so I cannot give you an honest opinion of whether the conferences really help people regarding personal development.

The cost of the two tickets are quite high but LLI claims that if you compare the price to other companies their price is relatively low. The first ticket known as the Liberty Conference cost $8,000. The second ticket known as the Summit Conference will cost you around $12,000. This is a lot of money huh? The good new is that the tickets include not just you but a guest as well. What's not included is airfare, hotel, food, and car rental.

To start moving up and begin making the big money with LLI you are going to have to purchase the two tickets. You're not required to purchase them at the same time however you usually get a discount from your sponsor when you do.

After you buy either of the two conference tickets you will have to go and pass up your next four sales of conference tickets to your sponsor. Than you are qualified to go and sell the tickets yourself and actually pocket the money.

So to recap if you buy the first personal development product you only have to pass up your first two sales instead of five. Then you buy the Liberty Conference which is 4 more sales. Last you buy the Summit Conference and that is an additional 4 more sales that you pass up. This gives you a total of 10 sales that you must pass up to your sponsor. If you don't buy the first product than the total is 13 sales to pass up.

So what do you think, is this bad or good. In Part 2, I am going to give you the pluses and the minuses of Liberty League and then my own personal opinion. You will then probably have a much clearer idea about whether Liberty League International is going to be the right company for you.

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An Online Survey Analysis

By Desiree S

A quick online survey analysis and how you can profit from the list of genuine online survey companies.

You can get paid if you participate in the online paid survey.

You will get cash or gift when you finish the survey.

And you get do the survey anytime you want.

One way to tell which survey sites are legitimate is to look for survey directories that require the sites posting the surveys to pay so as to be listed.

If the companies having their surveys must pay the directory to be listed, then the directory has an incentive to connect them to those willing to do the surveys in order to keep up their business.

Survey companies with professional, well maintained online websites are usually pretty reputable and reliable. They are normally top marketing companies with good reputation standings in the market.

Avoid sites that are cheaply designed websites as they are often less reputable and potentially misleading opportunities.

Here is how paid survey sites work - When a company has a new product or service to launch for which consumer research is required, a specialist marketing company is commissioned to select independent participants, issue online paid surveys and analyze their feedback.

These feedback are in the form of online surveys which will help them focus on areas for improvement.

People who wants to be part of the highest paid surveys should look into participating in focus groups.

Focus groups require the participants to give up several hours of their time to meet with other consumers and marketers to discuss and feedback on the particular products.

These sessions are usually very long and detailed, but they tend to pay well, very well. People can often make up to $150 an hour in some focus groups and sometime more for some others.

One need to be realistic when you join paid survey to make online profit.

Some pay very well, and some pay peanuts.

You should do your own investigations before you spent your time in doing the surveys, or you can rely on professional survey website that has done all the ground work for you and present you a list of paid survey database.

Such survey sites will update their list and always on constant research to make sure the list is updated.

About the Author:

Improve Marketing With Criteria Necessary For A Market Segment

By Linda P. Morton

The criteria necessary for a market segment reveals what you need to know about your target market in order to develop a successful marketing campaign.

Every successful marketing campaign targets a specific group of people. These are the people most likely to become your customers. They comprise your target market.

After identifying your target market by segments. Then you can design your marketing tactics specifically to meet their needs and preferences.

Wikipedia lists five criteria necessary for a market segment:

First Criteria Necessary For A Market Segment: Commonality Of People In The Market Segment

Second Criteria Necessary For A Market Segment: Differences Between People In The Market Segment And Other People

Third Criteria Necessary For A Market Segment: People In The Market Segment Can Be Identified And Counted

Fourth Criteria Necessary For A Market Segment: An Accessible And Actionable Market Segment

Fifth Criteria Necessary For A Market Segments: A Large Enough Market Segment To Be Profitable

You need to understand all the criteria necessary for a market segment in order to market effectively. This article explains the first two of these criteria. The remaining three are explained on my blog linked in the resource box.

First Criteria Necessary For A Market Segment: Commonality Of People In The Market Segment

A segment having commonality means that all the people in it have characteristics in common.

To illustrate, people differ by education levels. People who have completed a college degree share many similar characteristics. People who only have a high school diploma share characteristics. But the characteristics for one education level are very different from those of the other. Marketing designed to sell to both groups will be far less effective than marketing designed to target just one.

When the people in a market segment share many characteristics, it's easier to design a marketing campaign for them.

Having lots of characteristics in common causes people in a market segment to often buy similar types of services and products. The more characteristics that they have in common, the more successfully you can design marketing to effectively appeal to those characteristics.

Second Criteria Necessary For A Market Segment: Differences Between People In The Market Segment And Other People

Being able to distinguish how the people in a market segment differ from everybody else is an important market segment criteria.

If the people in the market segment are not substantially different from everybody else, you have:

No differences in the target market and the overall market,

No reason to develop a marketing campaign for the target market, and

No foundation to develop a marketing campaign.

If there are no important differences between people in different segments, there is no foundation for target marketing. So having segments differ from one another is another criteria necessary for a market segment.

Thus, each market segment requires different marketing strategies and tactics than others in the mass market.

Criteria Necessary For A Market Segment: Synthesis And Recommendation

By identifying a market segment in which people share many characteristics that differ from the mass market, you will improve your marketing

Still you need to assure that you can determine how many people are in the segment and if there are enough of them for a good return on your marketing investment. You also should know that they will take actions like joining your list or buying your product.

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Coaching Training: A Successful Sales Team Takes Work To Maintain

By George Purdy

The business driven by sales will only succeed in accordance with the quality of the sales team. A successful sales team takes work to create and maintain, there must be training and development to increase skills and confidence level of the team. Any good sales department must also have a good group of trainers as well, those who can coach the sales staff, and these trainers must also receive training.

A critical factor in assuring the success of a business for any owner is having the ability to coach management sales training for his employees. Having the experience and skills is necessary for the owner or upper level manager to do coaching training whether it is learned over time or acquired with self study or a formal program for training coaching and methods.

Many of the skills that sales personnel need tend to overlap with the skills that trainers need, as wells as the need to motivate trainers. Effective trainers need to understand the psychology of learning as wells as sales psychology. The trainees of any level need to understand the incentives and consequences.

Another important part of coaching management sales training is recruiting your future sales staff. It will be easier to train new employees who already have experience and a strong track record in sales, or have other characteristics that will lead to a better probability of sales success. That will make the coaches' job much less problematic.

If your coaching system is very new or very specific, a lack of experience is not a serious problem. Sales staff who haven't learned bad habits won't have to break those habits. The knowledge that your sales staff already has is much less important than your staff's ability to learn new material and apply it consistently.

Managers need different skills than salespeople, and the coaching programs will have to be tailored specifically to the role the trainee will fill. The program will also need to take into account whether they are to supervise others. It is, however, a good idea to teach sales skills and selling techniques to managers and visa versa to allow for sales staff to join the management team in the future. Employees who are prepared for promotion within the company will benefit, and so will the company.

The acquiring of coaching skills should be as important to you as the teaching of sales skills. A little research about available programs is beneficial in selecting the program that will provide the most benefit to your organization as far as effectiveness and flow of training is concerned. To be successful a team needs a good coach, and a coach can only be as good as their own preparation and skill set. This knowledge proves the importance of coaching management sales training to ensure the success of your organization.

Effective sales personnel must be thoroughly trained in the sales skills as well as in developing the self-confidence necessary to approach prospective buyers. Managers may have enough experience and skills to do coaching training, if not, they'll need to take courses or self study to acquire skills for training coaching and methods to teach themselves. Many of the same skills sales personnel will need actually overlap the skills trainers will need, and so does the need to motivate trainers. This knowledge proves the importance of coaching management sales training to ensure the success of your organization.

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Career Coaching: Gaining An Edge On Your Career

By George Purdy

Any professional, no matter what his or her field, gets the edge over the competition from career coaching. Regardless of what your specific career ambitions may be, career coaches assist employees of all statuses make the most of their current position and prime themselves for better opportunities to come. Hiring the correct coach can mean not only more success for the employee, but for the entire company.

A career coach is often an executive with a great deal of experience and knowledge in very specific career skills. Such a coach has usually proven themselves with success in business, and will have invaluable talent to pass on to others. They are often accessible in off-hours and can give new flexibility to an executive with their ability to accommodate a busy schedule.

Career coaching is available at many different coaching centers, each offering expertise on specific aspects of the business world. A quick search of the phone book or the internet can help you find one that will help you reach your particular goals. Finding career coaching that focuses on your chosen professional will guarantee that you will reap the most benefits, relating what you learn to your personal career.

One's career performance can be positively impacted by a coach in various ways. Coaches with experience have invaluable contacts within various industries that serve to promote you among professional within your field. This can expand the number of jobs and sales you come in contact with.

A coach can provide assistance with time management, setting goals, and balancing work and home life. Coaches can aid individuals in finding greater happiness in their work and their life in general. An executive hoping to move ahead will find an improved attitude to be a great asset.

Anyone who wants to advance in the corporate world should consider hiring a career coach. A coach possesses expertise, time management strategies, and useful networking contacts and skills. By taking advantage of these skills, a person can reach higher spots on their career ladder. A coach isn't just a teacher. They also serve as mentor, helping their clients achieve greater success in life.

Career coaching can give a professional edge to anyone in their chosen field. A career coach is often an executive with a great deal of experience and knowledge in very specific career skills. Such a coach has usually proven themselves with success in business, and will have invaluable talent to pass on to others. Coaches can aid in increasing career performance in a number of ways. Experienced coaches have valuable industry contacts within the business field than can allow you to network with professionals in the same line of work, expanding prospects of sales and new jobs.

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