Saturday, August 01, 2009

Apartment Marketing Plan -You Need to Know This

By Jamal Crane

Any renter who has got a pet knows exactly how difficult it is to find a pet-friendly apartment complex that would welcome them with open arms. And that is just too bad because the situation can very easily be remedied with a three-word policy: Responsible Pet Ownership.

Landlords who advertise apartments which are vacant do not always designate that their apartment marketing plan does not include or, more strongly, does not allow occupancy by tenants with pets.However, that sad fact is uncovered when the want-to-be tenant appears on the scene. Although many pets are frowned up, the rules are sometimes less rigid when it come to fish, birds (canaries, parrots, macaws, cockatoos, etc.), small cages mammals or rodents (rats, mice, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits ), reptiles (snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs) and felines (a.k.a. kitty cats).

It's the dogs, large and small, which are known to be mens (and womens) best friends that have got the bad rap and have acquired the worst reputation for being undesirable tenants. That statement is made obvious time and time again by the fact that, on the one hand, many landlords want to fill their vacancy and advertise rentals in newspapers, hang out "Apartment for Rent" signs and sign up with a variety of websites that provide rental advertisement services. On the other hand, the same landlords turn away tenants who respond to the rental advertising on the basis of owning a pet and most specifically a dog.

I suspect that that is so because dogs tend to bark louder than birds chirp, cats mew, snakes hiss and so on.Furthermore, in lots of cases owners of dogs view their pets as equal (or almost equal) members of their families and give them too much free reign. This takes me back to the statement I made earlier - ... the situation can very easily be remedied in many cases with a three-word policy: Responsible Pet Ownership.

For anything to do with apartment advertisement ; we suggest you do some diligent research first and beware of the sharks out there!

But what is Responsible Pet Ownership exactly and how will it make landlords to rethink and then to rewrite their policies as they pertain to pets?

Responsible Pet Ownership is a multifaceted lifetime commitment the pet owner must make toward the pet and the environment. Responsible Pet Ownership includes:

Providing pets with adequate shelter, water and food. Providing pets proper grooming and sufficient exercise. Making satisfactory arrangements for the pet to be spayed or neutered. Affording pets the companionship they require. Keeping them healthy with timely vaccinations and regular veterinary checks. Licensing the pet with the local authorities. Ensuring that the pet wears an identifying tag at all times. And last but not least is the point which landlords most frequently make against tenants with pets - providing socialization and obedience training.

Socialization and obedience training is truly a huge issue because pets (mostly dogs) which are trained accordingly will usually bark less frequently, will most likely not destroy the property or any parts of it, will not be a threat to other tenants and will not defecate where they are not supposed to. And when and if they do any of those things, their owners will go through all the measures that are necessary to correct such behavior.

Yes, a well socialized and obedient pet, but most particularly a dog, can make the difference between being a menacing tenant or a pleasure to have around. - 2364

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