When a person gets so far into credit card debt that they have no clue what they should do, they often begin to panic. One thing many people do in an attempt to make the situation better is contact a credit card debt consolidation service. Before you do that, however, it would be wise to be one of the few people who actually understands how such services operate.
Since credit card debt consolidation services effectively control your finances for you while you avail yourself of their assistance, it is a very good idea to understand them better before trusting them with your money. The truth is that, even if you currently find yourself buried deep below debt, what you do right now is important and will effect the amount of time you will spend fixing your financial problems.
Even though they offer assistance to individuals who want to get out of debt, credit card debt consolidation services are businesses that are interested in making money for themselves before they are interested in helping you. The monthly rate they arrange for you to pay off your bills with includes a fee that they charge you as well.
Credit card debt consolidation services supposedly help you by contacting the creditors who you owe money to and negotiate a payment plan with them that is in your best interests. Many people use these services because they think that they are unable to make negotiations with the credit card companies themselves. Remember that allowing a third party to carry out the entire negotiation process without you means that you will never really know whether or not you could have gotten a better deal with the creditors.
Once negotiations have been completed, the credit card debt consolidation service that you are working with will let you know about any card cancellations and tell you what amount you need to pay them each month in order for them to pay off your bills. The process sounds easy because it is, and you don't need an outside service to do the work for you.
The Bill at the End
The credit car debt consolidation company that makes all the arrangements for your agreement with the credit card companies will also pay those companies for you; you just have to send them the money on a monthly basis. In addition to causing serious damage to your credit rating, using one of these services will also eliminate a large percentage of whatever amount of money you are saving. For example, if you save $200 each month because of consolidating your debts but the service charges $100 each month, you have gained very little.
That is all they do and it is something you can do yourself but with your best interest in mind and not someone else's.
About the Author:
Is credit counseling the best way to get out of debt? Possibly, but there's no single best way for everyone. Visit the Debt Smackdown website at http://www.debtsmackdown.com for more helpful information about clearing up your debt.
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