Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Being the Ideal Employer to Your Loyal Domestic Helper

By Alice Sy

There are more than a few things to remember if you plan on being the ideal employer to your highly dependable domestic helper. By being one, you will surely be able to keep your household help more loyal and devoted to her assigned duties at home. Of course you can always hire helpers as often as you can, but the truly reliable ones are few and far between.

If you are looking for means to keep your domestic helper motivated and happy, you have to begin by instigating a warm reception. Your household help will notice early on if he or she is in fact being welcomed to the home or not.

Firstly, as the employer, you have to be clear about the wages and the benefits that your helper is entitled to during her entire stay with your household. Most disputes and disagreements typically arise from the lack of clarity and initial agreement on the wages, other benefits, and days-off for the house help. If you want your helper to be continually loyal, you have to provide her with just compensation.

Good motivation also starts in providing your domestic helper with her own personal space inside your household. If you want to keep her satisfied and motivated, she should be comfortable where she is. This is important for your housemaid to take care of your home as dutifully as she would to her own.

Good communication is also important for an enduring relationship with your home help to last. You have to keep your helper updated on the changes in the household and be open to his or concerns, suggestions, and reports as well. Your home help should not have any problems when it comes to communicating with you and the rest of the household members.

As an implement for added motivation, you should also provide your helper with cash gifts during important occasions like birthdays and other holidays. In this manner, your house help will feel that you are looking out for her contentment as well.

You should also set aside a day-off from work each week, and give your faithful helper a few surprises and perks every now and then. Giving her free movie tickets, gift certificates to the salon or an entire weekend off occasionally will certainly help cement her loyalty and genuine concern for the entire family.

Although all these do not have to be done frequently, doing these consistently will surely make you the most favorable of employers. When you are good to your employers like your domestic helper, there is every reason for them to be loyal to you and your family as well.

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