Saturday, July 31, 2010

Energy Tax Deductions - Time Is Running Out

By Robert Holdsworth

Many businesses have implemented energy efficiency measures in their facilities over the past several years to help decrease operating expenses and aid the local and global environment. What a lot of these companies do not know is that sizeable federal tax deductions are available to them and also that time may be running out.

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) provides generous, immediate tax deductions to businesses for making energy efficiency improvements to their buildings. The federal tax incentives center mainly on efficiency improvements to lighting, HVAC and building envelopes and can be as large as $1.80 per square foot.

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 extended Section 179D and EPAct 2005 so the act will not expire until December 31, 2013. However, that does not mean that time may not be running out for some companies.

For businesses that implemented energy efficiency projects in 2006 it is probable they filed their tax returns before April 15, 2007. If they were unaware of the deductions at that time, they are now at risk of losing those tax deductions forever since the IRS only allows a three year period to amend tax returns.

That means if you have not yet amended your 2006 tax return you have only a few months left to do so!

As an electrical contractor working with commercial and industrial customers you certainly have been thinking about ways to increase your sales and likely how to better utilize your current book of business to that end. You have also most likely been approached by your current customers asking what they can do to reduce their energy costs.

Have you thought about a strategic partnership with an experienced engineering firm that specializes solely in turnkey, energy cost reduction projects on a national level? One that can bring whole facility energy solutions to the table for you and your customers? A company that can provide a fast payback and increase cash flow for your customer?

Bringing in such a company will grow your business as you will be the one who is sub-contracted by the engineering firm to provide the installation services under their management and direction. You can use this approach over and over again with all of your customers and doing so will not only increase your revenues exponentially, it will also transform your customers' impression of you from simply another vendor to that of a valued consultant. - 2364

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Free Children's Church Lessons - Best And Easiest Way To Learn

By Kenneth Taylor

Teaching kids are said to be left to the parents. It is either they send them to school or to Sunday school depending on what type of teaching they want their kids to learn from. Of course, parents do not just want their children to know things that are purely academic although that is pretty advantageous. Parents also want children to know all the good things like stuff about religion and that is a plus. It is a good thing that there is such a thing as free children's church lessons. This will teach children things that they have to know about God.

Contents about helping and maintaining the learning process of the kids are being included in free children's church lessons. Training kit is also available in order for the facilitator to know how to start the lesson and how to introduce the curriculum to the kids. This would also guide him until the curriculum ends.

The actual discussion and the contents in the book most follow the said curriculum so that teachers could easily follow up the learning process of the kids. They also have other ways of catching the interest of the kids, such as lessons are in a form of DVDs. In this way, children will be more interested in learning more that just scanning and reading some books that may sound so boring for them. Children will also be taught some praising songs and worships so most probably, the kids will be learning more. If in case they need to have some print outs, then they could possibly realize these.

There could be times that you would need some hard copies for the lesson, then it is also being provided and this will give the kids something to read on whether they are at home or in a car going somewhere. Actually, free children's church lesson ares not the typical classroom-type since you could study it just everywhere, as long as you have the right materials with you.

You can be rest assured that free children's church lessons are safe for the learning of your kids, since they will be learning more about just worshipping. The program is intended really for the kids so they make the curriculum that could really excite the interest of the kids. They make it sure that kids wont get bored in attending their lessons. Well in fact; this might open the door to your kids in being more interested about learning God and worshipping God. This would not only help the kids but to parents since they don't have to exert more effort in teaching them about this thing and paying more is not a big deal at all. There are some materials that need to be purchased but they are just in very affordable cost. Parents can surely trust the curriculum; they just have to allow the kids to follow what is being said on the lesson guide and they could have their kids learned. - 2364

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Seven Ways To Make Money Online | Make Money From Home

By Mara Samson

I started doing a little investigation into how all this truly works and I have learnt that the value of different currency goes up and down and you are able to take advantage over this fluctuation and actually many from the richest individuals within the world do this on a daily basis and make millions.

Obviously these types of individuals are very rich and invest lots of money to begin with. Nevertheless it doesn't stop us from producing a healthy profit margin ourselves.

It has to be said that any how to get rich fast scheme is not 100% despite what anyone says however this really is nearly perfect. I mean I made $3196 in 2 weeks and I am set to make around $7000 in 1 month.

You don't actually need to have any knowledge of trading within the foreign exchange because whenever you buy the program you get a robot that makes all the deals and trading for you. The design from the robot is really important because you don't wish to be detected by your currency buyer as you could have your account shutdown.

Their system makes it so that you'll not be detected and the cash just flows into your account once you set up. This is the greatest, how to get rich quick program that I've come across because they even give you a demo system connected to the live FOREX trade. This means you can actually see if you'll be making money before putting your hard earned money into the real thing.

I use to think a how to obtain rich quick program was just a myth but after purchasing and testing every single one I finally have payback.

My advice is to use the demo and look at how much cash you could be making and if you do not like what you see then ask for 60 days no quibble money back refund. - 2364

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Major Companies Discovering The Importance Of Mobile Marketing

By Angela Mabey

The importance of mobile marketing is reaching the top levels of management, highlighted by the purchase of a mobile marketing company by a major American media group. The purchase was designed to bring the mobile marketing capability in house.

Meredith Integrated Marketing President Martin Reidy says "Mobile is a critical part of the marketing portfolio and its importance is growing at an incredibly rapid rate."

Meredith, which produces a range of subscription magazines and websites, previously owned a minority share in the mobile marketing company, before buying it to expand their integrated marketing division, which offers both internal and external clients marketing solutions.

However, integrating mobile marketing into a business's advertising campaign is a lot easier than buying another company. Mobile marketing campaigns are easy to set up and manage, and they provide great results without having to take part in corporate takeovers.

Many mobile marketing companies have the facility for businesses to set up their new campaign online, providing a simple solution to integrating this valuable tool into their marketing plan. Most businesses find the hardest part of their campaign is trying to choose the key word that they want as part of the SMS response.

Ensuring that your mobile marketing call to action is a prominent part of your marketing campaign ensures that you reach the majority of your desired target audience. Having an easy to recognise and simple to follow SMS response is an easy way for your customers to interact with your business. It allows you to optimize your advertising spend by turning interest into leads.

Make sure your business is ahead of competitors by including this rapidly growing and valuable tool in your future campaigns. - 2364

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Public Company Merger - Public Reverse Merger And Reverse IPO

By James Scott

If you are trying to raise capital with a PPM or public entity like OTCBB you need to understand the mind of the investor. After the business plan sells the investor on the business concept you need to sell them on you and your executive staff. You need to stack your executive positions with professionals with a proven track record of success and possess a solid reputation in the industry. You must paint the picture for investors that your business is run by the who's who in your industry and this pedigree is demonstrated by your education, degree, grades in college, professional organizations of which you have been and are currently a member, advisory board positions with other corporate organizations, a track record of setting up and maintaining strategic alliances, networking contacts and more.

When an investor looks at your human resource list on your PPM, business plan or public offering docs it needs to scream power, authority and confidence. Each individual that you place on your advisory board must have a massive contribution other than 'advice'. Advisors should be able to prove their ability to assist in crucial decisions, connect your company with strategic partners and help you get to the next level.

Your legal counsel and CPA should be well known organizations with a long list of successful, well known organizations on their client roster and they should have a lot more to offer your company than just their fee based services. Again, these organizations should be able to set you up with partnerships that will help grow your business. As far as corporate awareness you must include a publicist. The publicist that you choose must be well versed in their comprehension of your industry genre.

They must be able to take your company and get you in front of the proper audience that is conducive to enhancing your growth potential. They must be able to demonstrate their knowledge of viral online marketing as well as traditional means of radio, TV and article promotion. They should be able to reach into their contact list and set you up with one interview after another targeting your specific audience.

These are just a few things to take into consideration when you jump on the fund raising trail. Every individual you have listed on your docs must be able to pass due diligence and have the appeal that reaches into the 'comfort' zone portion of the investor's mind. - 2364

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Merchant Loans For Alternative Business Finance

By Kathleen Carter

Are you having a hard time getting your business financing application approved through normal channels like banks? Most likely, you are already aware just how small the percentage is of businesses getting loans approved at any given time. There's no need to fret, though, because you can get fast and easy business financing anytime through merchant cash advances.

Your business can get fast and easy business financing when you go for merchant loans. What are they, though? What benefits do they offer that other types of loans don't?

Merchant cash advances have existed in the US market for quite some time now but are new to the UK market. A lot of entrepreneurs are taking advantage of them since they are able to give tons of benefits that normal loans do not offer. They are by far the most convenient method to get business financing fast. In fact, a merchant advance will normally get approved within 24 hours. Getting the funds after approval usually takes just 5 to 10 working days, tops. When you go for banks loans, the process of having it approved will take several weeks. The release of the funds will also take several more weeks, that is, if they get approved.

If you are wondering what sets merchant cash advances apart from other types of loans, then you are in for some big surprises. The funding that you will be getting is based in your business's average monthly credit card sales. The re-payment is also directly proportional to it, enabling you to do away with worrying and stressing over fixed monthly repayments. Going for bank loans, on the other hand, will mean that you need to pay a fixed amount and pay them on time or else, run the risk of running a bad credit rating.

A lot of businesses go for merchant loans because of the different benefits that they can offer. They are really flexible. You can use the funds that you will receive any way you want. When you settle for normal bank loans, you can only use the funds for the purpose you stated on the loan application. What's great about them is that they will not negatively affect your credit standing.

After you get your merchant cash advance approved, you will normally be able to receive funds based on your business's average monthly credit card sales for the past 6 months. You will typically be granted a minimum of a hundred percent of your average monthly income from your credit card sales. The re-payment is usually about 10 percent of your total monthly credit card income, making it really practical. Usually, once you are able to pay off 50 percent of your initial cash advance, you can get another one without any need to re-apply. All of these make merchant cash advances ideal and practical for all types of small businesses.

Merchant cash advances allow businesses to grow rapidly without going through a lot of hassles. Considering them is a great idea if you want to achieve your dreams. - 2364

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Benefits Of Sending A Child To An Independent School

By Adriana Noton

In recent years, more parents have become concerned that their children are not receiving a quality education in public schools. The high rate of teen drop outs, an increasing rate of school bullying, budget cutbacks, and overcrowded classrooms, has resulted in many parents seeking an alternative to the public education system. One educational alternative that is now becoming a popular choice for parents seeking a better education for their children is Independent Schools.

Sometimes referred to as a private school, an independent school is a school that is not run by the government. That is, it is not dependent on funding from tax payers. Funding can come from a variety of sources such as: individual monetary donations, charitable contributions, tuition fees, corporate donations, and special endowments. Sometimes there can be government funding such as in the form of funding grants. It is governed by a board of directors.

Choosing the right education for their child is the most important contribution parents will make to their future. Parents who are considering sending their children to a school should learn about the following benefits that these schools have to offer:

Independent Schools Offer A High Quality Education

An independent school will provide outstanding education as its focus is on preparing students for university and life. Personalized teaching is of the utmost importance. Teachers create and implement lesson plans that challenge students and encourage them to excel. The educational tools include the highest quality text books and learning equipment that makes use of the latest technology. As well, teachers provide hands-on learning through diverse projects and assignments. The teaching environment is one that encourages students to ask question and engage in learning conversations.

Independent Schools Offer Quality After School Programs

An independent school offers students more than just a text book education. A school can provide excellent and high quality extra curricular activities such as music clubs, drama clubs, sports teams, sports activities, and social out reach programs. The inspiration behind these programs is to instill such qualities as confidence, quality character and integrity, important values, respect, and leadership skills. The goal is to help students develop a strong moral compass so that graduates will become productive members of society.

Different Types Of Independent Schools

Today, there are a variety of different people from all walks of life with various backgrounds. To meet the unique needs of students, there are a variety of different types available. This includes: military schools, religious schools such as a Christian school, special needs schools, boarding school, day schools, and more. The school that a parent selects for their child will depend on their child's particular needs.

Independent Schools Have Quality Teachers And Teaching Methods

Research has revealed the positive impact personalized teaching has on a student's performance. Teachers in a quality private school keep parents up-to-date on their child's progress. As well, they will have meetings with parents to discuss educational goals and various learning objectives. Teachers at independent schools are passionate about their job and their impact on students so they design lessons to help student achieve. They know the students on a personal level and are dedicated to helping them excel. Teaching methods can include: encouraging questions and class discussions, classroom participation, sharing ideas and experiences, working together in groups, and more. Students feel comfortable in a warm and inviting learning environment while participating in challenging and rewarding educational programs.

More parents are becoming frustrated with the public education system and are choosing Independent schools. Independent schools prepare students to lead productive and fulfilling lives in a world that is rapidly changing. They go beyond the public education standards and cultivate and nurture the skills necessary to excel in the education field as well as in life. - 2364

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Options For Saving By Using Renewable Energy

By John Gerace, PhD, PE

There are many different types of renewable energy that can be used in place of energy created by burning fossil fuels. Renewable energy is generated from geothermal heat, sunlight, tides, rain and wind. All of which will naturally replenish. Currently only about 20% of the worlds energy consumption uses natural energy sources.

One of the cleanest and most efficient types of renewable energy is wind power which is slowly gaining in popularity and usage. Wind power is seen more in Europe though many countries are building off shore wind farms. Only a light breeze is needed to generate power and the energy conversion is one of the most efficient of all renewable sources.

Renewable energy is not only being used in large scale production but many can be scaled down to use for small grid or even residential use. The best example of this would be solar power. Solar power takes the suns light and converts it to electricity using solar cells. Solar can easily supplement current electricity usage and some business and people are finding that they no longer pay an electricity bill after conversion to solar power.

Hydropower has been used for years via construction and operation of dams. Most people are familiar with Hoover Dam which is the largest hydropower station in the world. As water flows from a high spot to a low spot it gives off energy which can be transformed into different types of power such as electrical. You also can use hydropower without dams in rivers and oceans as long as there is a current or tide.

Biofuels are mainly based on bioalcohol or bioethanol. This fuel is produced from fermenting soy or sugar that comes from plants. This pure form can then be used instead of gasoline. Biodiesel is an oil made from animal fat, vegetable oils and recycled grease. Although these fuels when burned produce emissions, they are much cleaner than the traditional petrol.

So now that you know, consider how you can make changes and choices to take advantage of these alternatives. - 2364

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Facts You Should Be Aware Before Going For A PPI

By Derrick Peterson

PPI claims are a best option for the people in terms of crisis. A number of people around the world have chosen this as a result of its imbursement settlements in the time of need. It is good for a certain extent if an individual has a good knowledge about this. Before going for a PPI claim one has to make sure of the plan rules and laws or else he will fall into problems.

One of the main disadvantages in PPI is your policy may turn as mis-sold policy. These mis-sold policies mainly produce from the lenders as the lenders are the ones who make you to take a certain policy. These policies sometimes demonstrate worthless and also it adds supplementary burden to an individual.

So before going for a claim you have to reveal the type of policy. Also you have to mention the policy number, lenders name, the date when the policy has turn out to be active and the monthly payments concerning the PPI and loans. Also make sure of knowing the date when the PPI has been sold to you and also state whether you have purchased it directly or through a lender.

These points should be remembered before going for a claim. Make sure of the PPI has been sold to you by providing the right details. Suppose if the policy was sold to you without appropriate information then it is a sign of mis-selling, so you have to be careful of these facts. Request for a PPI, by doing this it will help you in a good claim.

The first step when people are going for the PPI is that they should have enough information about the policy. In PPI the lenders mainly try to betray people by selling the policies without providing the right details. This may lead to extra burden as a result they need to pay more than the basic amount.

Lenders mainly mistreat this policy in order to gain high profits and this makes a huge loss to the borrowers where they can obtain nil. Also the lenders add additional amount to the plan making the borrower to pay more interest. The main trick the lenders make the borrowers believe that if they don't choose PPI they would fail to apply for any type of loans in the future.

A recent investigation has been proven that lenders make 900% profit by misleading the borrowers by making them pay a massive sum than the required level. The hunger towards money has made the PPI lenders to convert the policies into mis-sold and also the lenders are cashing lack of information of the borrowers.

The results in PPI can never be estimated and also it is better to take an advice from a financial expert. The government has also appointed a special team in guiding the people from borrowing money. They advice you and guides you in the right way and also if you found that you have been fallen into the trap, this team helps you in filing a complaint against the lender. So, don't waste any time go for the right policy and always be sure of taking an advice from a financial expert. - 2364

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Seeking Help From A Maid Placement Agency

By Alice Sy

It is extremely important that you find the right maid for your household. The maid will look after your property and your children if you and your partner are not at home. Since you will be entrusting your home to someone who is virtually a stranger at first, you need to find a reliable individual. This is why choosing the right maid placement agency is very essential.

Finding the right agencies can be done either through web or through offline means. The internet nowadays offers excellent means in finding the agency that suits your requirements. It is important that you find a maid agency that is operating legitimately. You have to avoid agencies that do not properly recruit qualified individuals, if you don't want an incompetent maid in your household.

A maid placement agency often has a pool of qualified individuals who are well-experienced in housekeeping, laundry, cooking, gardening, and baby sitting. If you are searching for a maid to hire, the agency will show you a list of their available employees, and if the specific criteria are met, you will be able to choose from a short list of applicants.

Since conducting personal interviews with interested applicants can be time-consuming and challenging, getting in touch with a maid agency will help you in your search within a short length of time. You don't have to go through the trouble of checking their backgrounds and experiences. Finding the household employee you need is made much easier.

You don't have to go through all the effort of finding a maid for your home and your family. A reliable maid placement agency will make sure that you find the household maid that you can entrust you home and your family with. - 2364

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

MyShoppingGenie - The Best Way To Save On Your Online Shopping

By Вилкове

One area where online shopping can be as time-consuming and inconvenient as wandering through stores, is when you want to compare prices. MyShoppingGenie is an application specially designed to take the frustration out of searching for lower prices, better deals and special offers online. Download MyShoppingGenie - it's easy to save on your online shopping.

If you think about it, online shopping searches are quite time-consuming, First you have to search for the product. Then you start clicking on search results, never sure if you're going to end up at a retail site or not. Once you find a retail site, you've got to find the exact product you want - then start all over again on another site so you can compare prices. Nine times out of ten, you're looking for something else a week later, and find what you bought last week at a better price. Frustrating - definitely. Necessary? Not anymore, with MyShoppingGenie - the best way to save on your online shopping. MyShoppingGenie searches all the major online retailers and auction sites to find the best deals and lowest prices for you. The MyShoppingGenie application is free to download, and really easy to install and use - it will take no more than 5 minutes to get your online shopping streamlined and have MyShoppingGenie do the bargain-hunting for you.

MyShoppingGenie helps you save on your online shopping by finding the best prices, deals and special offers online, with a few clicks on a toolbar instead of hours searching online. This amazing application works with your favourite search engine, so that you don't have to do anything more than search for what you want to buy as you normally would. But that's where the similarity ends.

Once the search results appear, the MyShoppingGenie toolbar at the bottom of your screen will list various retailers that are either offering deals on the product you are searching for, or offer the best prices. The 'Compare' button allows you to select from the top 5 or 6 retailers and compare their prices. The page on their site featuring the product you want to buy is then opened in a new window, so you can compare the various models, prices and deals on offer at each retailer.

Much easier than using a search engine, then finding there are over 3 million results for that product. Which of the many search results will lead you to a reputable retailer? Once you've clicked through to a retailer, you've got to go back and do it all again if you want to compare prices. And how many of the sites you click on are not what you thought they were, or don't actually sell directly, so you end up having to click through to yet another website in the hope that you can buy what you want there? This is a frustrating, time-consuming and very seldom satisfactory shopping experience. If you want to save on your online shopping, this hardly seems the best way to do it.

MyShoppingGenie searches over 200 000 online stores and manufacturers to find the product you have searched for at the best prices, and you only have to perform one search, in the search engine you normally use, are familiar with, and already have loaded on your computer. You can quickly and easily compare prices, compare products, and make a decision within minutes. MyShoppingGenie makes online shopping even more convenient, and what's more, the application software is free to download. Why wait - save on your online shopping with MyShoppingGenie now. - 2364

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Office Interiors: Decor Does Matter

By Wayne Davies

For many, offices are just boring places to work. They're designed to be functional, in most cases, nothing more, so they are done in plain colors and the main focus is on work. However, what many businesses are discovering is that the office environment really does have an impact on the productivity of people. Make sure your office is an area that will motivate people to work hard. Office interiors should be designed to help employees stay on track and keep them happy.

Furniture is the first thing that should be looked at. While this has to be functional, it's best to use comfy furniture, too. Workers who have to sit on hard or rickety chairs are going to find excuses to get up all the time, to help stretch out the tight muscles. It will cost more to purchase chairs that are very comfortable, but this will almost certainly increase how productive people are.

What equipment is available to employees will also have an impact. If it's not working properly or is too out of date, it will only result in frustrations, which bring the entire office down. People who struggle with their equipment aren't going to be too motivated to do their jobs.

Aside from the more technical areas of the office, there are many other factors that impact the way people work. Color is one. Look at changing up the wall colors. Skip the tan, it's so last decade, and look for something a bit more interesting. Green or blue are both great choices and can really liven up an office. Furniture can also be purchased in colors, so set a color theme and enjoy.

Letting employees decorate their own spaces is a great way to go. They can put up photos and motivational items that will help them work harder. It's easier to remember why you're working when you are looking at a photo of your children. This is a good way to help increase productivity and workplace enthusiasm.

Many businesses have found that motivational posters, employee of the week competitions and other positive measures can help keep people happy while at work. Boosting the positivity of the space will result in more work being done and more satisfied workers.

The lights can really affect how people work, too. Insufficient lighting will cause headaches and a general mood drop. Fluorescent lights are particularly bad for this, with their buzzing and flickering. Make sure you provide your employees with great lights, and they will work better. Consider using lamps and task lighting where necessary.

There are many factors in office productivity. You might not be able to change everything all at once, but you can improve things bit by bit and watch the improvements make a difference.

The vast majority of office interiors are as great as they could be. Often, it's just a few simple changes that could be made to really change things up. Color will really add something, as will letting employees to put up their own decor. Making sure they are comfortable is also a good way to make an office a better place. - 2364

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Important Reasons For Twilight?s Success

By Andrea McClure

With the release of a third movie in the Twilight movie series, fans are finding various ways to express their love of all things Twilight. They are doing everything from buying Twilight decorations and merchandise to even making custom costumes and writing fan fiction. So what has created so much enthusiasm for a series about vampires? The story is not new and there are several treatments of it in novels, movies, and television. If you want to know why here are some of the possible reasons.

One thing is that books are making a major comeback for the younger generation. Teens and young people are finding authors who get their world and are writing in their language. Even though Bella has to deal with supernatural entities such as werewolves and vampires girls and young women can identify and sympathize with her struggles and even her weaknesses. This along with the vampire boyfriend helps make it a hit with the ladies. When you look at other successful writers like J.K. Rowling you see the same thing. The setting may be fantastical but the challenges and issues are often strongly based in everyday life.

A very obvious reason for Twilight?s success is that love triangles sell. What woman does not want to be in the situation where two handsome guys are fighting for her attention and love? Also there are the hard emotional decisions that make the compelling story. In Twilight Bella has found something amazing with Edward Cullen but she has strong ties to Jacob Black especially after Edward leaves her for a period of time. The strong emotions and the dire consequences of being a human in their paranormal world create a great story as Bella tries to maintain her relationships and still take on massive challenges.

The vampire genre and its sensual associations in literature have always been popular. Twilight and series like it are similar to many paranormal romances that have done the same thing. However these novels are often for a limited adult audience. It is not like you can allow your 13 year old to watch an episode of the HBO show True Blood. All that sex, blood, and violence would keep it off any caring parent?s list of approved shows and literature. The fact that Twilight can deliver the sensual attractiveness of vampires in a wholesome way is something special and very effective. It shows that the author is a Mormon because she shows Edward and Bella to be passionate but still has them wait until marriage before they go all the way.

Finally there is the right balance between action and romance. The romance part is all good but Twilight would not be such a huge hit if it could not draw in some guys and people from other age groups as well. Stephanie Meyers the author of the series did it by following the example of emotionally compelling novels such as Jane Eyre or Wuthering heights and mixing in fantasy action reminiscent of Lord of the Rings. This balance has made the series a major hit with many different types of people. - 2364

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

International Business Development Consulting - Over The Counter Bulletin Board, OTCBB

By James Scott

If you own or run a company that is trying to raise capital in the current economic conditions you've undoubtedly been challenged by the limited funds available. Investors are more difficult to find and the individuals that are actually willing to part with their cash are even tougher to find. You've talked to friends, family members, your cpa and your attorney but trying to get them to invest is like drawing blood from a stone, it's just not happening.

There is an easier way. Most broker dealers and market makers have an emergency number in their rolodex that reads "Investor Finder", these specialist consultants are brought in when there is nowhere else to turn for cash. A true Investor Finder has 1,000's of investor contacts that they can call on to get funding for their clients and are constantly using online viral strategies to attract more investors to their database.

An investor finder usually is not a licensed securities broker/agent or attorney; instead they are traditionally consultants that are active in the investment banking facilitation aspect of the industry. Being that they are not licensed they do not accept equity payments or percentages; instead they work on a flat fee basis.

A good consultant in this genre can bring in 30 to 70 real investors per day and it's up to the client to sell the opportunity from there. A typical lead from an investor finder will be an investor or investment firm that is responding to the consultant's opportunity introduction email or snail mail mailing, they have read about the opportunity and they respond one of two ways, either they are calling into a phone room to be screened and qualified or they are contacting the client directly.

Many times the investor doesn't know that they are part of the "finder's" database but do recall signing up to receive investment opportunity updates, so either way the investor is solid and active. If you are trying to raise capital and need real results quickly and can't afford to waste time begging for cash, you need to seek out a qualified Investor Finder consultant and make your fundraising efforts fast and easy. - 2364

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Green Energy Isn't Always What It Seems

By Robert Holdsworth

Buyer Beware - Using Power Factor Correction and Transient Voltage Surge Suppression to Reduce Energy Costs.

Today's energy conscious climate has motivated many to do what they can to become more efficient and conserve energy and money. Unfortunately this same climate has prompted others to take advantage of unsuspecting consumers' wishes to save energy and reduce expenses.

Companies that tout power factor improvement (kVAR correction) and transient voltage suppression are a good example of this bad trend. Lately we are seeing more and more of these companies cropping up and feel it is time to set the record straight.

First, transient voltage surge suppression (TVSS) plays a valuable role in improving power quality to protect sensitive equipment inside a facility. However, TVSS does not save energy. TVSS's are only active a tiny fraction of a second to protect against voltage surges which only last for less than a millisecond. To actually reduce energy consumption the TVSS would need to actually cut power consumption for an extended period of time which is not what they are designed to do. Again, TVSS is important to protect sensitive electrical equipment but buyers should avoid vendors promising, or even guaranteeing, that they will reduce energy consumption.

Now what about vendors who claim that improving power factor will save 15% or 20% or 30% of energy consumption and corresponding cost? This one is a little trickier.

For residential applications, power factor does nothing to save energy because the typical home already has an average power factor of about 0.97 which is almost the perfect power factor of 1 or unity. In addition, the device (called a capacitor) is placed at the main circuit breaker. According to IEEE capacitors must be situated at or near the respective inductive loads to reduce power system losses by reducing heat and distribution losses known as I2R losses.

So what about commercial and industrial facilities using power factor correction to reduce energy costs? It is perfectly appropriate for a company that is incurring penalties or a kVA billing structure from the utility company to improve the facility's overall power factor by employing a capacitor bank at the main service entrance or individual capacitors at or near the respective motor loads. Doing so will eliminate the power factor penalties and/or reduce the kVA demand charges on the utility bill which can save significant money and provide a significant ROI on the investment.

But what about power factor correction reducing kWh consumption? IEEE also tells us that I2R losses only account for 2 to 5% of the total load in a facility. Simple math tells us that it would be against the laws of physics to get the 15% to 30% energy reduction claimed by some vendors. Think about it. Even if your facility had 5% distribution losses and you could correct 100% of the problem via power factor correction at every load (which can't be done) you would still only save 5% at the most. No where near the claims of some capacitor vendors and manufacturers.

All that said, power factor correction when done properly will eliminate utility penalties and kVA demand charges, improve facility power quality, increase electrical system capacity, and save a little energy when applied to the appropriate motor loads.

So make an investment in transient voltage surge suppression and power factor correction when appropriate and necessary. But caveat emptor! - 2364

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Real Estate Investors - Over The Counter Bulletin Board

By James Scott

For real estate investors, there are two things that are always in short supply regardless of the ups and downs in the economy: capital and quality inventory. Most investors that I have worked with not only need capital but strategies to go after capital that is not issued based solely on a credit score. Even if a real estate investor has good credit they still have the obstacle of too many inquires and too many open loans on their credit report and funding sources are spooked by these distractions and turn the applicant down even though all of their loans are current and they have a solid FICO.

If the above describes you or if you have limited or poor credit and you're a serious real estate investor, here is how to get all the capital you'll ever need. First put a solid strategy together. Start with your company infrastructure. Organize your company with a CEO, CFO, Board of Directors etc. After you've done this you want to set up your inter-industry strategic alliances which should be composed of other investors, bird dogs, electricians, roofers, general contractors etc. You want each of these alliances to have a purpose. They should be a portal for industry niche knowledge and consultation and also referral hubs. Let each of your alliances know exactly what type of investments you're looking for and as they are sending you referrals, reciprocate by issuing them work in whatever specialty they are in.

Next you want to have a solid business plan written for your company (don't write this yourself, have a professional do it for you) that spells out the intricacies of your company, your alliances, your accomplishments and goals. Paint a picture of success and strength.

Next you need a mechanism for accepting investment capital so you'll need a Private Placement Memorandum. This document package gives a technical breakdown of your investment opportunity and spells out the risks and advantages in detail to keep you from getting sued by investors down the road. This memorandum takes advantage of SEC Regulation D Rule Exemptions 504, 505 or 506. A PPM is the minimum requirement dictated by the SEC for accepting capital from accredited and non accredited investment sources. Real investors will demand an PPM anyway so it's good to have it done beforehand.

Now that your company is properly structured, you have a solid board of directors and alliances; your business plan is well written and to the point, you have a solid outlet for accepting capital from investors, you are now ready for capital. Your best bet is to go back to the company who wrote your business plan and private placement memorandum and use their 'investor finder' service. Legitimate corporate consultants who write technical documents will also stand behind their work by assisting their clients in finding investors. One solid strategy for getting access to capital quickly and easily is to have your Investor Finder forward go through their database and email individual and institutional funding sources.

When you are contacted by these investment sources, give them the option to invest in your company using the PPM (which will give you a fund in which you will be able to rehab real estate, buy at auctions etc). You will also want to give them the option of investing in a 'per deal' scenario. Allow them the option to also (or only) invest in particular transactions with you so when you get a deal, with a solid investor finder service, you'll eventually have 100+ solid investors to go to for quick capital on particular transactions that go above what your PPM fund can handle.

There you have it, a strategy that works 100% of the time for real estate investors globally. Your best bet, to make sure that you do this properly, is to hire a consultant that can set up this process for you. Cheers to your success! - 2364

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Is A Home Business Right For You?

By Advoquita Stude

If like many people today you are contemplating starting your own business at home you need to think long and hard about this. You need to consider lots of different things. By doing this you will be able to decide if this kind of business is for you or not. So if you are thinking about this you also need to consider is you should have a home business.

To start with you need to be very dedicated to your business. Many people will experience long hours at first and this can be very draining on anyone. So if you're not prepared for this kind of work, a business based at home is possibly something to avoid.

Now you need to consider if you need to purchase anything to start your own business. For some people this will just mean having access to the Internet and a PC, especially if they will be working online. However your business may need you to purchase other items, so make a list and think about how much you will have to spend.

It is also crucial that you ensure that your business is trading legally. To ensure this is happening find out more about the business laws in your area. Make sure that you stick to them or you could find that you are using illegal means to earn money.

Finding a means to survive on in the first months or year is also important. You need to be aware that you will not be earning a fortune from the word go. So make sure that you have some savings that will tide you over for a while.

As you can see there is a lot to think about when it comes to starting your own home business. There is obviously much more that you need to think about before you make the decision. However many people do this and are earning a very generous income from working at home. - 2364

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The New Style Of Office Furniture

By Liz Warne

There is a trend in families using the office or den as the family area. This once belonged only to the living room. Most people even put their television and other media into the living room. Now families want to be closer together and most people are spending a lot of time on the computer. While some might be using laptops and hanging out in the living room; those with desktops are on the office furniture and either surfing the web or working.

Entertainment can be a big part of a lot of family's lives. Games are now all across the internet. Movies and music can be listened to on a computer or a portable device. As this is being changed to all move to the television in the living room, people are going to the office and experiencing entertainment on the computer.

If there is a desk for the desktop computer or laptop then consider another desk. That way if other family members have laptops or net books they can come and sit down at the other desk. This is a fun way for siblings to play games against one another. Let the family know that it is OK to spend time in the office together. By adding some family photos it lets them know that they are welcomed into the room.

Making an office a more inviting and family oriented room can be done easily with many design techniques. Adding a couple of chairs will let the family know that it is OK to come in and sit and chat. If the office is used for work, then get a doorknob sign that says something with the affect that you are working. This way there won't be any intrusions while on a business call.

Some are putting a television into the room. The family comes in and watches a movie or a program while you are working. If it is not a distraction, then it is another way to spend time with the family. If it is a distraction then let them know that you are working. If not a television, then consider a music device. Music has for centuries brought people together.

Rugs are the best thing in changing a room without any effort. Find a rug that is still professional but adds that family look to the area. Also try some curtains on the windows. Curtains can appear as professional and are used in many professional offices.

Turn the area into a cozy family room with a lamp. Lamp light offers a soothing and comfortable light as opposed to harsh overhead lights. Try using a soft light light bulb along with a color lamp shade. If you can get the shade to match the room then it will have a more unified look to it.

More and more families are moving into this room for family time. It may be time to give the office a make over with some stylish office furniture. You can make the selection of the furniture a family event. - 2364

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Business Expansion Strategies: Raise Money

By James Scott

If your company is about to start taking steps for a public offering you will most likely want to bring in employees that will help season your business plan and private placement memorandum for your initial rounds of capital. The human resources section of your PPM is crucial and on your business plan your 'key executives' portion is critical.

You must be able to justify, many times over, the reason for the existence of this executive in your business. Let's start with pedigree: This employee must have a traceable track record of success working with similar corporations at the same stage your company is in now, they must be able to prove that they played a key role in their previous employers growth. Next their education; if we lived in a perfect world, college education wouldn't matter but in the mind of the investor, a university level education is a period of maturing and intellectually achieving the capacity to translate ideas into empirical strategies.

Your employees must have a 4 year degree if they are acting as anything other than administrative support. Community colleges and associates degrees don't count and it's better not to include these individuals as key players in your business model as it could bring into question your qualifications to run the company. The employee must also have a portfolio of ongoing education certifications and/or certificates of program completion. A university education is one thing but continuous professional growth is another element that is crucial to demonstrating an individual's desire to stay on top of growing trends and contribute to their employers overall strategy.

Now, for the most important part; your executive must have a strong portfolio of industry specific contacts that will contribute to setting up and maintaining strategic alliances and partnerships on behalf of your company.

At corporate meetings, after you go over the plan for the day or the week you need to be able to assign each of your executives goals for setting up quality and qualified partnerships that enhance distribution, intellectual capital, publicity exposure etc. Without a powerful contact base one goes from being a excellent executive with VP level horizons to a general employee that needs to be micromanaged by a management team member.

Look at each executive in your company as a light bulb on a Christmas tree. When you roll out your small or medium size business to raise capital you want your tree blazing with blinding lights making you stand out in your industry. - 2364

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Monday, July 12, 2010

How To Choose Office Furniture For Your Business

By Bert Griffin

Whether you are starting a business or replacing your office furniture, there are some things to think about. There are so many styles and colors out there to choose from, your sure to find something to fit your budget. These are just a few ideas and tips on shopping for the furniture.

The first thing to do is make up a budget. Only businesses with a large cash flow can afford to pay cash, so develop a strict budget. Listing the items you need in a spreadsheet and the maximum price you are willing to pay will give you the total you can expect to spend. Take it will you shopping to ensure you do not overspend.

Shop at the reputable furniture supply stores in your area or ask other business owners to recommend a company for you. Referrals are always given by happy customers. Online stores should have a secure site and shopping cart. Look for a badge on the site that indicates they have some sort of certification for good business practice.

Your specific furnishing needs will depend on the nature of your business but every business requires desks and chairs at the least. Browse and pick your favorite style from a selection of classic, traditional or contemporary. Go with a style that appeals to you and fits into your price range.

Along with desks, you will need chairs. Basic chairs with upholstery will cost about a hundred dollars. Products that are fully adjustable and made of expensive fabrics or materials like leather will cost more. It is best to spend a bit more money for quality products as the chairs will be used on a daily basis and need to handle years of use.

Desks used for special tasks may be required depending on who will be using them. Someone that does a lot of computer work needs a specialized desk to hold the computer, key board and printer. They will also need a desk that is comfortable to sit at for a long period of time. This will reduce work related injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome and back discomfort.

Filing cabinets and bookshelves are a staple in any home or business office. Determine the size and style of cabinets needed is based on what will be stored in them, whether it be letter size documents or large items like blueprints. Shelving will hold the items you want to reference frequently like books and binders. Open concept shelving works well in storage rooms.

After you have chosen your purchase, it is time to decide how you will pay for it. Usually big ticket purchases for the office are financed. Make sure you can afford the monthly loan payment in your budget. Also ask about warranties on the product.

If you buy locally, shipping is usually free. Online stores will have a thorough shipping policy that indicates cost, how long it takes to get to you and what to do about returns. Make sure they also have a solid return policy and good shipping insurance. You never what will happen to the office furniture while being shipped. - 2364

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Critical Overlook Of Salu International.

By Shola Abitogun

This company came to my desk recently and I have decided to evaluate it and inform you what my opinion about the Mlm business opportunity is and if there exist any network marketing secrets that you ought to know to be a top earner with the company. To be able to choose any Mlm business and make it big with the network marketing company, you have to examine the product(s) of the company and their pay plan.

As stated on; "At Salu International our mission is to empower our distributors and consumers to improve their lives with an innovative health & wellness product line, cutting-edge marketing materials, and a support base that is unmatched." This statement is very self informative.

Salu International markets 2 major products. These products are Vital-res V and Vital Flex. The blends in these products are Acai berries, Japanese Knot weed, Resveratol, Maqui berries, and Grape Seed extract. I am also about to note that Resveratol is a major health ingredient in lots of wines. Vital-res V have antioxidant features and help remove toxins in the body and reduce their consequences. Vital Flex has anti-inflammatory features which help decrease join pains and helps make the joint stronger. In terms of the marketability of these products, they are relatively marketable. The well being industry is growing stronger everyday so you cannot go wrong with that.

With regards to their comp plan, Salu International uses the binary comp plan. Basically you are accountable for creating 2 legs and help your team build their 2 legs. You're in the business of becoming stars and helping your team to become stars. The only approach that you will make money with Salu International is as simple as signing up many folks designed to do the same thing that you are doing which is enrolling and marketing the product. You need to sustain certain qualifications to get compensated for the retail of the products by you and the team.

You have to work on yourself to make money with Salu International. You are where you are now in everyday life, including financially, based on all the knowledge and mindset you have gained from the past. That knowledge IS NOT sufficient to take you to to the next stage. Develop your mentality. Read books. Increase your understanding of life and also the mlm industry.

Here is the 21st century. You must find methods to generate mlm leads online. Network marketing is the people's business. Unless you figure out how to generate more leads than you can possibly communicate with every day, you won't make money in Salu International. You absolutely need an Mlm Lead generation system. This literally put your Salu International business on steroid. - 2364

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Options For Corporate Energy Efficiency

By John Gerace, PhD, PE

There are several rankings and benchmarks for corporate energy efficiency and corporations can perform an energy audit to see where they can improve with their energy usage. Corporations should look into how many kilowatts they use per square foot and how much gas or BTUs are used per square foot. Each country will have average values and recommended values for being efficient.

If you are looking to improve your company's energy usage you can look into the different products available as each vendor will have information about its products' energy consumption. For example, glass companies will provide information on their products' solar heat gain and U-value, and so on.

Many more corporations are creating positions that deal specifically with energy management and many times there is compensation or benefits for those corporations that have good energy performance. There are several different ways in which corporations can make changes to their energy usage and ultimately enjoy big energy savings.

You want to make sure that your building is properly maintained as this keeps it running as efficiently as possible. Small changes can actually cause big changes in energy consumption. One such example is not running the air conditioning at night if no one is in the building. Also you can go through a retro-commissioning process to get your building back to its original state.

Steam systems are frequently an issue with energy usage as they are not maintained well. Steam traps tend to be used to deal with condensation but these can easily become stuck open and transfer the steam back into the boiler. This wastes a lot of heat as the steam goes back into the system and does not heat the building. You need to make sure these are replaced regularly and maintained well.

You also want to optimize your HVAC systems and these can account for 20 percent or more of all energy used in a building. And lastly, you might want to look into thermal energy storage or heat recovery options. - 2364

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Friday, July 09, 2010

Why Knoxville Is The Best Place To Begin A New Business In Marketing

By Kevin Young

One of the things that makes Knoxville the perfect place to kick start a business is the fact that it is strategically located in the heart of Tennessee. Advertising agencies in Knoxville are sought after among many businesses for their ability to do a lot of good things and with nearly 200,000 people staying here it is no surprise why this city is the perfect place to start a business in marketing as well as advertising.

## It's Expanding!

Knoxville is seemingly growing by the day making it a great place to start a new business and with advertising agencies in Knoxville in high demand; there is no better industry to grow a business in. With expansion comes new shops, restaurants, companies, hotels and attractions and all of these types of business rely heavily on a successful advertising campaign to succeed in their sector.

## The City Is Massive!

Knoxville is the third largest city in Tennessee behind only to Nashville and Memphis and with almost 200,000 residents; it is a large city to do business in. With so many different businesses and companies looking for a good advertising company it makes sense that Knoxville would be a great place to get involved in marketing. The main congregation of businesses can be found in and around Market Square but the entire city boasts a wide array of different companies in various sectors all looking to stay ahead of their competitors with a great advertising programme.

## The Global Financial Crisis Is Recovering!

The worldwide recession hit many businesses hard and those who were able to see the hard times through are now enjoying far more good fortune as the US economy shows many signs of rebuilding. In order to do well in an improved economy, US businesses will be focusing on good marketing and advertising to get going again and this means that there is a big gap in the market for new advertising firms in Knoxville to start up and assist those who need to rebuild.

## It Has A Generous Space For Various Businesses!

The existing businesses in Knoxville are doing well and there are a lot of opportunities for an advertising company to offer their services to companies that need help with their advertising campaign -- all of which will let them work against their competitors. Since there are many companies to whom a company might offer its marketing and advertising services, there are plenty of opportunities for new clients -- and marketing firms in Knoxville are expected to be booming in the near future. - 2364

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Thursday, July 08, 2010

OTC Bulletin Board - International Management Consultancy

By James Scott

Are you trying to raise capital for your start-up or corporation in expansion? Have you exhausted your traditional institutional sources and hedge fund contacts? Don't lose hope just yet! First of all, take all those pamphlets and brochures from banks and other traditional lenders that are lying all over your desk and toss them in the trash...they are absolutely useless.

Banks don't have your company's best interest in mind as they are hardly even staying afloat in this economy. Today's institutional financier isn't qualified to run a bath let alone a bank. Don't put your future in the untested hands of a 20 something knucklehead. After you've tossed all that useless info in the trash, clear your head and then look at your company and ask yourself a few tough questions: Is your company invest-able? Do you and your executive staff have a pedigree that investors deem as seasoned enough to take their money and make affective use of it and not lose it? What proprietary concepts/technology/patents do you have that give you a larger market share with the proper cash infusion? What is your current capital/debt situation?

If, after pondering these questions you've come to the conclusion you honestly, truly have something worth pursuing then the next step is to look at the reality that your company is worthy of a public offering. Stay away from Pink Sheets and be weary of reverse mergers and in reality your company won't qualify for the NASDAQ so the quickest way to raise public capital is the OTCBB (over the counter bulletin boards).

OTCBB is an SEC regulated platform that has a solid investor following and market makers that can effectively promote your stock to rapidly raise capital. Don't let these difficult economic times steal your dreams of corporate prosperity and personal growth.

If you have a solid business concept, there is a way to fund it. Look into the OTCBB, it's your best bet for an inexpensive public offering with a direct path to long term funding. - 2364

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Office Furniture Needs To Be Carefully Planned.

By Sandy Finks

Office furniture, for the most part, follows a general design. Tables, chairs, and desks all have "legs", and file cabinets have a certain structure as well. The purpose of the decor is visual pleasure; appealing yet user friendly at the same time. A variety of shapes and sizes are available to meet the needs of employees and customers alike.

The line of business a company is in needs to be considered when buying equipment. Client's are a priority. More often than not, both worker and customer are able to conduct business easier when they feel at ease in their shared environment. Everyday people are perfectly content with library-like surroundings while CEO's tend to desire upscale decor.

Anyone can decorate any space when it comes right down to it. However, often times interior decorators are asked to help with the layout of professional buildings. Such individuals have a working knowledge of how color's compliment each other and how to make the most of the room available. Agents and other workers usually perform better when they know they work in a well-kept, well-designed place.

Sometimes a person such as a sole-proprietor opts to decorate him or herself. When this is the case magazines and books make for excellent references. Great ideas can be found in these resources. Similar pieces of art and furnishings can be found at a variety of different stores.

Most all offices are concerned with the cost involved when undertaking a decorating project. Frequently costs are adjusted to a lower rate when multiple items are purchased. It is ideal when function and visual appeal can be merged into one product. This is generally the case in today's market, it simply depends on personal tastes and the look desired.

Large or small, offices are able to be supplied with ideal furnishings. Desks, chairs, couches, bookshelves, file cabinets, tables, lamps, and drafting tables are only some of the more common components of a company's interior that is open for business. There are seller's out there that make it their profession to supply other businesses with commonly needed equipment. These company's can be a great help. Otherwise, a company president or other agent of the business will find it necessary to pick and choose many pieces from several different stores.

Certain places of business prefer to have artwork that reflects their line of work. Usually this type of art will require hiring a firm or independent artist to custom make the paintings, especially if their name is to be included. There are other options out there when customization is not required. Depending on the work or services offered, carbon-copy artwork can be used. There are many fine reproductions that are appropriate for publicly shared spaces.

Office furniture can make or break business deals. Unfortunate as it may be, people are visual and do judge by the appearance of a room. This is why it is important for businesses to maintain clean surroundings and replace broken items. New clients may walk away before a meeting even takes place if they don't like the way a place looks. Maintaining a respectable space does pay off in the end. - 2364

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

What You Need To Know About Web 3.0

By Michael H. Fleischner

If you're familiar with social media than you know that the social media revolution has often be referred to as Web 2.0. Said another way, the ability to communicate in real time via the web through networks of like-minded people is considered the second iteration of the Internet.

In recent months I have heard countless people talking about what's next for the world wide web. The reality is that Web 3.0 is already here and this is evidenced by those websites who are taking user behavior into consideration when defining an online user experience.

The idea behind Web 3.0 is really simple. Leverage the data you have on individuals to improve their future buying experiences. This data comes from a variety of sources but is designed to eliminate the endless searching you might do for a simple task online.

Enter behavioral data and the concept of Web 3.0. In the next iteration of the web world, users' activities are being tracked closely. These activities include a range of behaviors like their on-site behavior, purchase history, order frequency, size, and quantity as well as tastes and preferences they have exhibited while surfing the Net.

Web 3.0 goes beyond real time data by allowing online merchants and other websites the ability to integrate existing data into user profiles. For site that already have behavioral data, generating meaningful predictive models become even easier. Whether you've responded to a one time promotion or have consistently bought from a web site, this information is used to shape recommendations and marketing messages via email and online.

Web 3.0 intelligence anonymously and securely analyzes every customer and web browser to your website. Learning patterns and the context that drives buying decisions will be used to create a highly personalized user experience for each individual. This may be a point of concern for all of you privacy buffs out there but the reality is that web sites track user behavior today and the information becomes more and more sophisticated.

Some individuals are going to be significantly concerned about what data is being tracked and how that information is being used. I believe that all users must give their permission to be fully engaged in a Web 3.0 world. Once information is given, the user experience can be liberating, allowing your past behavior to shape your buying experience. This might actually cut down on much of the inaccurate and unrelated solicitations you receive today.

Web 3.0 is upon us. As web sites continue to collect and use more of your behavioral data, your online buying experience is going to change. One can argue if this change is for the better. However, I believe that it can dramatically improve your buying experience and improve the way retailers market products and services. - 2364

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Monday, July 05, 2010

Things To Consider When Choosing A Family Portrait Photographer

By Andrea Collins

Portrait photographs of the entire family are taken on several family occasions like birthdays, new born celebrations, marriage anniversaries, and annual family gatherings. There is no better means for capturing the joyous mood of such happy events than portrait photography. However, much depends on the standard of the outcome of these portrait photography sessions, as inferior quality photographs will never be used or seen again as intended and will be an absolute waste of hard work and money. Hence you should make a good selection of a family portrait photographer, and you have to pay attention to a few things to ensure that the finished photographs you get are precisely as you wanted them to be.

The first thing you should be certain of is that the photographer's style and your expectations match perfectly. This means that you need to first decide what kind of family portraits you are looking to. Do you want spontaneous, informal portraits or elegant and formal ones? Is black and white your preference or the colourful alternative suits you better? There could be several such style considerations which you should make your mind up about well in advance and then approach a family portrait photographer for showing you some samples of his previous work in those particular styles.

Then you need to think about the backdrop of the photograph, which has a great impact on the outcome, as well as on what photography equipment the family portrait photographer requires to carry with him. Outdoor shots require cameras and supporting equipment that are totally different from those required for indoor shoots, and only a seasoned photographer will know the difference.

Besides the photographer's proficiency and his capability to click pictures as per your needs, you should also check the kind of output his company can deliver. The darkroom tasks of film developing and printing must be carried out well to get superior quality photos. The photography firm must also be in a position to offer you a range of other services like a good choice of photograph frames and designer albums, so that you can better preserve your photographs. Hence, you should check for these details with the firm before buying the services of a family portrait photographer.

Moreover, if the appointed photographer's firm can provide you additional free services and facilities like delivering your photographs free of cost at your doorstep or visiting the venue of photography to evaluate the special requirements for the day, then you know that you have made the perfect selection. You won't be making any unreasonable demands on the firm by expecting these services, as they should normally be included in the price that you pay for the service. - 2364

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Sunday, July 04, 2010

What A Lead Selling System Can Do For You

By Shane Ford

If you need to make a lot of phone or VOIP calls for your business to thrive, chances are, you will resort to looking for leads to call by purchasing them from companies who are offering them. You have to be careful out there; there are companies who sell their leads with promises of giving a targeted group and have your cold calls end up with wrong or non-working numbers, or worse, stale leads who opted to be included in the Do Not Call list or DNC. If unchecked, you will lose a lot of money, time, and resources from calling unwilling prospects, not to mention a dent on your reputation.

Fortunately, there is another thing you can do to avoid getting deceived by lead selling companies with low quality products to offer. It is important to understand first how they come up with those leads. There are a number of common sources they get them from including phone book directories, even specialized or public listings. Basically, if the numbers you dial are from those sources, there is a lesser chance of success in productivity compared to using targeted or well selected leads. You can also end up with unsolicited calls to people who did not really sign up for anything, or even remotely interested in anything you are trying to offer. Don't be surprised if you end up with non-working or wrong numbers, not to mention irate prospects.

One thing you can do to sustain your own needs is to have an efficient lead selling system instead of buying leads from other companies. If you get to compile a significant amount of leads, you can start sorting them out to make them into targeted groups. You can use what you gather for your own business, or you can opt to sell it to others who need those targeted leads. In any case, you will end up with a lower refusal rate with using efficient lead selling software.

A good system will help you filter your prospects automatically. When used with a good and attractive lead capture page, it will make it even better. Most software comes with its own lead capture pages in the package. You just need to make a nice and attractive design that can capture all of your lead's contact information, making it easier to contact them as prospect consumers.

If you are selling leads, a good and reliable system is your business companion and assistant. Only one system is needed to capture different leads like banks, consumers, insurance companies, and retail stores. Once you get the information you can easily get them to your clients. You can even filter the results by adjusting the settings. There are some types that can run on autopilot mode. This will give you some more personal time to spend on other productive activities.

Whatever purposes you may have for a lead selling system - whether selling the leads or using them for your business - it will certainly result to maximizing your efforts in marketing and including sales due to a good system in place. In any case, you should consider investing in one to help you become a successful businessman. - 2364

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Saturday, July 03, 2010

Golf Technology Facts

By Errol Grange

When it comes to technology facts, few people have any idea of how the sport of golf has been affected by scientific breakthroughs and developments. While the sport continues to appeal to a broad spectrum of people across all races and backgrounds, it is still a temperamental sport. That is, since it has yet to be reduced to an indoor sport, it's subject to the elements. When it rains, you can't play.

Technological developments push each sport, golf included, to embrace more and more streamlined equipment and gear. It's worth stopping to consider how this has effected the much-loved golf driver. The club used to dramatically drive the ball down the course, the driver is the king of clubs. And as it's shape is pushed and pulled to find that magic formula to success.

At a certain point, this becomes a matter of aerodynamics. But it's crucial you understand what the head of the driver entails. Having multiple head choices allows you to express your individual swing more fully. The heft and feel of the head is called its nature. The "nature" is what gives you the valuable feedback on your swing.

During your swing, you should keep in mind the gear effect. The gear effect is how the driver affects the spin and rotation of the ball in flight. If you can manage a subtle gear effect, you can curve balls a great distance, helping you steer towards the greens that matter. One swing, one lob, one green.

Then there is the offset head. Offset heads were once all the rage. They were crafted from iron and designed to align perfectly with shaft and the ball. This alignment was meant to further propel the ball. While those who mastered the offset head swear by its use, more conventional wisdom says you should worry about the dynamics of your swing more than the nature off the driver head. - 2364

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Friday, July 02, 2010

Making Money At Your Desk At Home

By Sydney Carter

Now more than ever, people are getting jobs to do at their home desk. Some may be doing these part time and some may even be doing these jobs on a full time basis. It can be a great way to supplement an income or even generate an income. These jobs are allowing families to make a real difference in the way that they earn their money. In hard economic times many people will continue to find more work like this just to make the ends meet.

Opportunities are abundant on the internet. There are a lot of real ways to generate an income or increase your income. There will be sites that offer free advice and there will be some that have offers that they want you to pay for. Try to stick to the websites that are tyring to pay you. If they are trying to take money from you then try to stay away.

Look for a job that you might already be familiar with. If you are looking for a job that allows you to extend your knowledge then try something new. Many jobs on the web do not require too much training or previous knowledge.

Many companies are moving all of their support online. The costs of keeping a staff of phone operators is much more than having a team of part time online consultants. These support teams usually offer support via online chats. You will see that on many company websites that there is an option to chat with a live representative. This makes it very cost effective for the company. This is a job that nearly anyone can do and earn a reasonable income.

Being able to read and type and familiar with certain software can get you a job. As long as the bill is paid for the internet, then there is a connection to many job opportunities. Most of these jobs anyone can do but there may be some requirements to meet in order to land the job.

Searching the internet will produce a large amount of home jobs. Some might ask for a fee to join and to learn about the job. Often times these may prove to be not legitimate. It is a good idea to search for feedback on these kind of offers before paying any money. Try to locate a job that does not require a fee to join.

Any site that is offering a secret and they want you to pay is probably not on the up and up. Any secret that they have can probably be found on the internet somewhere else and for free. The real secret is that it takes a lot of hard work to make money. There probably is not an easy way to go about it. Just try to find a position that you will be good at and stick with it. If you find that then you are off to a great start.

Working at a desk from home is one of the best things ever. It allows you an opportunity to do what you want when you want it. As long as you perform the job then you are allowed the extra time in your day that your other job probably doesn't provide. - 2364

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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Roller Derby Comes Back From The Dead

By Ross Everett

Roller Derby was a staple of the early television era and was similar in its promotional format to its better known "sports entertainment" cousin, professional wrestling. It was frequently seen in the same bad timeslots on the same low powered UHF TV stations, and it was run by the same loose confederation of Runyanesque promoters and businessmen that characterized the regional territory era of pro wrestling. Unfortunately, roller derby didn't catch on the way professional wrestling did. There was obviously a serious athletic component to it, but the "angles" and storylines surrounding roller derby made pro wrestling seem like Ibsen by comparison. The sport does have its own history--most know that the LA T-Birds were the perennial champions of'70's, and Ann Calvello and Ralphie Valladares had been in the sport forever and were considered legends--but it never really stuck in the public consciousness like the pre-Hulk Hogan era of pro wrestling.

When the original purveyors of the sport quit promoting in the early'80s most thought it was dead and gone until a 'new school' of roller derby surfaced on cable TV via the A&E reality series Roller Girls. It featured a local, all-girl roller derby league in Austin, Texas and followed the lives of the players on and off the track. While much of the show dwelled in Lifetime style drama about binge drinking and bad relationships, it was the first clue that many had that roller derby had risen from the dead. A sport that had faded into the lowest level of obscurity had been rediscovered and embraced by an eclectic group of young women. They had kept the same essential format, thrown in a healthy dose of burlesque camp and Varga pin-up inspired glamour and made it into their own vibrant subculture. They changed the competitive format and renamed the competitions "bouts" a la MMA or boxing. The result was a compelling mixture of glamour, toughness and athleticism driven by a healthy dose of punk rock "do it yourself" mentality.

Today, roller derby is a full blown worldwide phenomenon. There are hundreds of local roller derby leagues not only in the United States, but Canada, Australia and Europe. Most of the local groups similarly play up the campy retro pin-up/hot rod iconography and everyone involved sure looks like they're having a good time. Between teams there's a vibe of good natured competitiveness and camaraderie. In the US, these groups exist under the auspices of a national organization called the Womens Flat Track Derby Association. Las Vegas has the 'Sin City Roller Girls', Portland, Oregon the 'Rose City Rollers" and Seattle the 'Rat City Rollers'. There are now groups in not only the larger and traditionally "hipper" cities but also smaller communities such as Birmingham, Alabama and Omaha, Nebraska.

The young women in roller derby have taken what was cast off TV time filler and revived it into their own distaff 'action sport'. The community that has sprung up around it bears a striking resemblance to the skateboarding or snowboarding subculture. There's one big difference--in contrast to more male dominated action sports the roller derby circa 2009 is just the opposite--a living, breathing matriarchal success story.

The new generation rollergirls also pay homage to their sports' pioneers much in the same way that skateboarders give props to Duane Peters and Tony Alva. Many of the individual group websites have sections devoted to the history of roller derby, and the late Ann Calvello--regarded as the Queen of the original Roller Derby--is revered as something of a patron saint. The Texas Rollergirl group featured in the A&E series has renamed their championship the Calvello Cup. - 2364

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