Tuesday, June 02, 2009

How To Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney

By Joe Demayoson

Many people find themselves in trouble each year with the authorities. They have been accused of committing wrongful acts such as acting recklessly, negligently, or intentionally causing harm or death to another individual. Other accusations may include murder, sexual assault, rape, battery, theft, robbery, fraud, being an accomplice to a crime, aiding and abetting, or assault.

People who find themselves in this type of serious situation usually hire a Criminal Defense Attorney. It is in the best interest of the accused to have a representative on their side who knows the law to fight for them. Without representation, the accused may have little to no chance of fighting the charges against them and regaining their freedom.

A good Criminal Defense Attorney will jump right into the case, meet with the accused and obtain all of their facts, investigate the situation and evidence, possibly interview people who could testify to the temperament and nature of the accused, seek out witnesses for testimony, etc... They are there primarily to prove the innocence of the defendant. Remember, citizens are innocent until proven guilty!

The Criminal Defense Attorney just needs to create enough doubt within the minds of the jury and judge so that they cannot without a doubt convict the accused of the crime.In court, they may tell a story on your behalf that will create feelings of understanding or empathy from the jury towards your case. They will also interview experts or other witnesses that can give the jury more insight on your ability to have committed the crime. The accused may even take the stand himself to speak on his behalf. This is rare, but done when necessary.

Without proper representation, the accused may be subject to execution, loss of freedom, parole or probation, or have to pay excessive fines. When faced with a situation like this, you will want the best Criminal Defense Attorney on your side. Most accused people and their families will spare no expense at hiring the best representation for their loved ones. The process of defending yourself may take months up to years depending on when the case goes to trial, but good Attorneys will encourage their defendant and make sure that they are as comfortable as possible while awaiting their court date. - 2364

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