Friday, October 10, 2008

Claim Scrubbers Are A Critical Medical Billing Component

By Carl Mays II

Submitting clean claims is critical to a strong medical billing process. A fundamental element of good process design is to catch problems as soon in the process as you can. Correcting a diagnosis error before a claim is submitted may take 5 minutes; correcting it after the claim has been denied will take well over an hour (and it will delay collections by 3o or more days).

A process that insures claims go out the door clean can lower a practice's AR to well under 45 days.

If claims are indeed submitted clean, then over 90% can be paid after the first submission. This leaves a much smaller number of "real" issues for the medical billing staff to pursue. By eliminating avoidable errors, collections accelerate and increase (since in many billing offices there is no time to perform basic tasks like no response calls). A key tool in realizing these improvements is a claim scrubber. These scrubbers, which are used by all leading medical billing services, compare claims to the rules utilized by payers to decide if a claim will be paid. These scrubbers include:

- A baseline scrubber. This scrubber insures that the claim has at least the basic information such as a social security number, properly formatted insurance id number, etc.

- Core coding scrubber that compares the claim's coding to local Medicare and Correct Coding Initiative rules. Such a scrubber should not only identify negative issues (e.g., a diagnosis/procedure mismatch) but also improvement opportunities (e.g., this procedure is typically performed in conjunction with a second, billable procedure, that is missing from this claim).

These scrubbers will lead to a marked improvement versus a billing process with no scrubbing; they are, however, not a complete scrubbing solution. A full solution requires a scrubber that can have a customized rule set that takes the knowledge of the billing company or medical practices and codifies it so that it can be applied to every claim before submission. This scrubber is:

- Knowledge Management Scrubbers that allow the medical billing operation to continually reevaluate the adjudication rules of each payer and update the rules accordingly. The proper implementation of the scrubber requires a clear feedback loop from the follow-up department to the scrubber so that the lessons learned from denied claims can be quickly incorporated in to the scrubber. Any top notch medical billing service utilizes a scrubber like this.

Utilizing all of the scrubbers outlined in this article will dramatically lower days in AR and allow the billing staff to properly purse any issues that remain. In today's medical billing environment, use of these scrubbers is truly mandatory.

Copyright 2008 Carl Mays II - 2364

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