Saturday, January 23, 2010

What Are The Common Mistakes In Outsourcing?

By Jimmy Villaruel

When involved and working in internet marketing it is a good idea to build a virtual team and outsource it. When you outsource it, you need a web guy, you need someone who helps with your off site promotion stuff as well. You need a few key players who've been skilled up in particular tactics. You obviously need a video guy, someone doing some sort of article or writing related stuff and then after you've mapped out that strategy, you just talk to your team and say things that need to be done.

The things that you need to work and need to be involved in are things where it's really at the top end working with the client generating the content. When you are required to make over a site, you need to be involved personally. Then it is going to be distributed out through the different media, be it taking the videos that you do and getting transcripts done and posting them out as videos or posting the videos themselves. That sort of stuff is hard to outsource.

From there you identify what your objectives are when you outsource it. You pick off what those low hanging fruit, easiest hidden resources are and go for those methods.

I'll stress again, it comes back to the objective. We get so caught up in the process. Which software do we want to use? It's not even serving your objective, it's creating more work and you're spinning your wheels.

To change direction, consider how you go about implementing some of this online and off line publicity to drive traffic to the sites. One of the mistakes people make, new people make is that they don't use leverage. There are still some other very internet marketing 101 things going on, like there is no offer, no call to action on the site mainly around an opt in box, whether you use a squeeze page or an opt in box. The biggest mistake is it's below the fold.

The other biggest fault I continue to see is in the copy and that is that the information is more about the company than about the benefits that the visitor will get from buying the service or the product that you recommending or talking about or selling.

Other than that, the big one in the new media is not having text to go with non text media. So search engines cannot find you if you're using a lot of audio and a lot of video. I've seen a lot of video blogs with a lot of great information but there's no good headline or summary of that information, it's just, hey, check out my latest video post. People aren't sitting down searching, 'hey, video post.'

Number one I still see is the keywords people choose are still the solution and not the pain. So if you've created this new invention and you expect people to be searching for it, that won't work. The most basic example is, people type in headache or migraine, they don't type in paracetamol. I continue to see that on keyword selection.

Keyword selection is one of the most important things and one of the first places, at least when you get to the point of building your website that you need to focus on. It's important to figure out the point at which your clients, the cycle they have, the point at which they are in the buying part of that cycle. You need to discover how to get in front of them and then find those keywords.

Researching long tail keywords is also very important. Let's say they're going after a particular camera or something like that and you go for the specific model number because that is a buying person. Similarly, if someone has a problem with a headache, we need to know what is it that they're typing into the search engine at the time of them having a headache. - 2364

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