Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Personal Coaches: A Key To Success

By George Purdy

Leaders are not born; they are trained. Despite what you may think, parents do not simply give birth to leaders. Instead, leaders come about by following their dream of being the best they can be. Only then can a leader transfer this energy to those they manage.

A manager's responsibilities include finding the best people for his sales force. It begins with the first impression he receives from potential employees in the interview process. A manager must communicate his talent to train and instruct them to maximize their own potential.

When you recruit personal coaches to help the sales managers, extensive training is given to them for making the sales force more effective and matching to the business needs. The important aspect is that the team should be of top quality. These personal coaches help the business by writing business plan, offer advice as the business need arises, linking the business owners with their possible counterparts and being there whenever needed to give directions to the business owners.

Personal coaches excel in helping their clients reduce stress and find the balance between home life and career. This stress is one of the hardest hurdles that a person might face as they try to move up in the business world. Personal coaches don't only teach the skills and time management techniques necessary for business; they also branch out into life coaching and show people how to apply these skills to their personal life to receive the maximum stress reduction.

A lot of personal coaches have worked in various fields and have years of experience. Many coaches will specialize in one or two areas. Even though they might have a full time coaching business with a lot of clients, many prefer to work with just one client. Some even coach only part time.

Personal coaches are not absolutely required in the business world, but new business owners in particular can benefit from their support and their advice. The skills and talents required for success vary among business fields, but good coaches can give general tips and will listen when one thinks they have nobody to confide in about their struggles.

One responsibility of the manager is to hire the best salespeople possible. When recruiting personal coaches to aid sales managers, they will help turn them into top tier sales professionals. They can help new business owners to create a business plan, offer suggestions on issues that appear during the start up process for the business, and help establish contacts and networking for new business owners with already established business owners to help them with further needs beyond the initial start up phase. Coaches can also teach time management and organizational skills through life coaching that you can use in order to make your life less stressful.

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Monday, April 28, 2008

What Niche Marketing is Not

By Kim and Charles Petty

Niche marketing is not about trying to sell your product or service to the world at large. As a small businessperson, you couldn't afford that kind of multi-million dollar advertising budget. It isn't possible. You can, however, with only a computer, an Internet connection and a good idea sell to a smaller audience using niche marketing.

Niche marketing is not about trying to compete. Competition is taken out of the equation when you do niche marketing. You aren't out there in the world lined up beside or behind a million other people who are selling the same thing you are selling. You are selling to a specific audience that you have created for yourself with your opt-in email list.

Niche marketing is not about selling to different people every day of the week. Once you have your list built, you can sell to the same people time and time again. By taking as much time as you need and putting forth enough effort to get to know the people who make up your list of buyers you can continue to sell to them.

Niche marketing is not about focusing on the big picture. It is about focusing on the small picture and the smaller the better. Narrowing your niche down to a very specific part of a larger market assures you of gaining a fair market share of that small part. The world is a big place and there are billions of people. You only need an infinitesimal portion of the population to have a huge list of potential buyers of your products or services.

Niche marketing is not about seeing only the impossibilities. Niche marketing is only about looking closely at the possibilities. Small possibilities converted to sales can equal big profits.

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Adsense Is Essential For Content Sites. Here are 3 Reasons Why.

By Lucas Heijn

How does Adsense work? Once you answer that question you will see why Adsense is essential for content sites.

The idea is really straightforward. The webmaster places a javascript into the pages of the web site he wants the ads to appear in. Each time the page is entered by a surfer, the java script will draw advertisements from the Adsense program.

The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the search engine for the click.

This is hassle free for the webmasters as the search engines handle all the tracking and payments. Webmasters don't have to worry about finding advertisers and collecting payments. This means that the webmasters can concentrate their time on things they do best and that is creating and updating the content on their site.

There is never a shortage of advertisers. The Adsense program is always able to pull up new advertisers for your site. Even though the search engines provided little information for the webmasters. The webmasters are more concerned about making money from the search engines.

The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters.

With its constant development is the manifestation of more highly developed system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the opportunity to select from many different types of text ad formats to better harmonize their website and fit their webpage layout.

This formatting makes it possible for the advertisement to become part of the content of the site. This encourages more clicks from the sites visitors and thus more profit for the webmaster. The advertisers also benefit as they get more visitors to their sites and thus more sales.

The second reason is that Search engines have made great improvements which give webmasters the ability to monitor how their ads are performing. They are also able to customize reports so that they can get details on page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. They are also able to track how their sites are progressing and also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels.

Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colors and pages contained by a website. Trends are also spotted without difficulty.

With the real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes made will be assessed quickly. There would be time to sort out the contents that people are making the most clicks on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers.

The more flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.

The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the profit associated with having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus escalating the likelihood that a potential web surfer will have some curiosity in their products and services. All because of the content and its regular updating.

As contrasting to people who are not using Adsense in their sites, these advertisers are given the option of having other people do their content for them, while they use this content to advertise their goods and services giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.

The more focused your content is, the more focused the search engines' ads will be. Targeted content is what Adsense is all about. There is money to be made.

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Overnight Cash Gifting 7 Home Based Business Secrets

By Ron Fara

Owning and running a home based business can be one of the most fulfilling things in your life. I have run and managed my own business since 1994. I spent countless years in the corporate world 9 to 5 jobs, and I can tell you that running your own home based business will help you achieve your financial goals a lot faster and easier. Overnight Cash Gifting is one home based business that I have reveiwed to meet the 7 Secret Goals.

Starting and running a home based business can be scary and overwhelming. Having the right system to do it can make a lot easier. The 7 Secret steps is why is so important to pick the right business. I have reviewed the Overnight Cash Gifting business and found it to meet all 7 criteria to the tee.

1) Have a location in your home that is just for business like an office. Keep outside distractions to a minimum, you need to focus your time and energy into succeeding towards your goals. Focus on work time is for work, and family time is seperate.

2) Goal setting is one of the most important steps to take. Look at all the success coaches and they will tell you that goal setting is your number one priority. If you don't know where you are going, how are you going to get there?

3) Marketing is the key. Every successful business needs to identify their perfect customer. Spend time on finding who they are. Fish where the fish are. Find your ideal clients by focusing on their needs.

4) Time management is crucial to the success of your home based business. We all have 24 hours in a day but how you invest them will determine your success at the end of the year. A good thought is to work on your top priorities when you are the freshest, so you accomplish the most towards your goal.

5) Networking is considered to be one of your top marketing stratagies. Think research and contact people that can help you creat joint venture relationships.

6) Dress for success. When you meet prospective customers dress and act how you would like to be looked upon. Use a seperate phone line so it can be answered as a business line.

7) Automate everything you do. Become the ultimate sales maching. Use computer systems that will allow you to reach more prospects in less time. Overnight Cash Gifting is one of those types of systems. I am currently working on an automated email to over 2 million people, imagine the possibilites.

These 7 Secrets are produced for your benefit of creating the ultimate sales machine. Success creates success.

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Know the Costs and Know How To Save On Air Freight Shipping

By Kim and Charles Petty

Air freight shipping, in most cases, is fairly complicated when it comes to pricing. But there are of course some areas when all you need is to look at the price list and voila- your parcel is already in mid air.

Letters and parcels are often priced based on the weight, size and the service level the shipper chooses. These are often fixed and seldom would one find great discrepancies in pricing. But as for air freight shipping prices, it is no good to be surprised at how high one item can cost.

The National Motor Freight Traffic Association has provided a system of pricing shipments known as the National Motor Freight Classification. This works on the principle of creating classes for items and for each class are some general prices.

Items are basically grouped into various types to make listing easier. This grouping is based on qualifications like loadability, mixed-environment appropriateness, density and a number of other factors. In general, freight classes apply to all items- from express letters to huge machineries including helicopters and planes. Freight classes range from 50 to 500.

Freight shipments are rated by means of "per one hundred pounds" parameter. However, other air freight forwarders make use of per hundred weight system and cwt.

Each freight class is able to provide discounts on the base rate. Plus, there is always a discount given on the transportation rates.

Nevertheless, such discounts can be set off by charges that are often treated as accesorial yet crucial to the base rate that would later come up for the shipment. The most commonly found accesorial charges and surcharges are discussed below.

To save on these charges, it is best to know your grounds first and study in full the terms and conditions of air freight shipping as provided by the freight company.

Lift gate- When there is no forklift or loading dock available, a lift gate service is billed to help drivers load and unload the shipments for residential pickups and deliveries or commercial pick up and deliveries. To avoid complications during the process, it is best that you notify the air freight service provider in case you see the need of a lift gate since trailers are rarely equipped with this item.

Additional fees in reconfiguring routes- Most air freight shipping are designed to follow a route of some sorts. If you require the company to take another route apart from what is earlier set, they would most likely charge you with additional fees for this extra work.

Extra charges on inside pick up and delivery- When you need to have your shipment picked up or delivered inside an establishment or a building, this will impede the carrier to finish his route on schedule. Thus, to set off the expenses they are likely to use, carriers will require you of some additional charges.

Residential pick up and delivery- To off set the costs incurred for transferring shipments to smaller trailers, most air freight shipping companies require extra charges on residential pick ups and deliveries. This is the case since most local laws restrain larger sizes of trucks from entering residential areas.

There are literally hundreds of possibilities for extra payments that would stock up on your final bill. For Less-than-Truckload and Truckload shipments, it is advisable that shippers seek for intermediaries who would not only guide them through the process but would also realize for them some forms of savings.

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