Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Lawsuit Settlement Funding

By Peter Emerson

Tip! The injured person can contact any of the lawsuit funding companies for loans. The loans offered by these companies are non-recourse loans.

Lawsuit settlement funding is the practical alternative when a person loses his job unlawfully or falls victim to medical malpractice and does not have sufficient funds to go to court and fight for his rights. In lawsuit settlement funding, a cash advance company or pre-lawsuit funding company enables the individual to carry on with routine life while pursuing the lawsuit. The company will study the case, contact a lawyer and assume the amount of compensation expected. On the basis of this they provide the applicant with an advance payment. This is a non-resource loan and the person is expected to pay it back only if he wins the case.

The fee involved in lawsuit settlement funding is considerably high and is determined by the amount of risk involved. However one has the choice of paying either a "flat fee" or a "recurring fee". In flat fee, the plaintiff and the funding company agree in advance on the amount the company would get from the verdict or settlement. On the other hand, the recurring fee involves the charging of a recurring fee on a monthly basis, based upon the advance sanctioned by the company, which will vary from company to company. Though the vast majority of lawsuits are settled easily and never even get to trial, they can develop into very complicated processes particularly in federal systems, where a federal court may be applying state law or vice versa.

Tip! It is the financing company's decision as to how much to pay as the cash advance. Lawsuit financing companies pay from $1000 to about a million dollars depending on the case.

Lawsuit settlement funding is a non-recourse loan, that the plaintiff will have to pay back only if he wins the case. If the settlement amount is less than anticipated, the financing company will not make a claim that is more than the verdict's amount. Some of the Lawsuit Settlement Funding companies are Oasis Legal Finance, National Lawsuit funding, Peacock funding etc. The Lawsuit Settlement Funding companies provide Pre-settlement funds on motor vehicles accidents, ceiling collapse, medical malpractice, employment discrimination, police misconduct, toxic mold, seamen claims, attorney funding, injury cases, work site accidents, sexual harassment, class action cases, and commercial cases.

Settlement Funding provides detailed information on Lawsuit Settlement Funding, Life Settlement Funding, Post Settlement Funding, Pre Settlement Funding and more. Settlement Funding is affiliated with Burn Injury Settlements.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lawsuit Cash Advance Overview

By Tony Perkins

Tip! Mesothelioma law works on the premise that this exposure to an asbestos or related substance without prior knowledge has lead to the injury, and sometimes death of the asbestos mesothelioma sufferer. Beginning your lawsuit early will ensure that you acquire adequate compensation in time to help with your medical expenses and ongoing support and treatment.

Lawsuit cash advances can be confusing especially for someone who was recently introduced to the concept. What is a lawsuit cash advance? Do I need lawsuit cash advance? How do I get funding for my lawsuit? When I am approved for lawsuit cash advance, do I have to pay back the money? If I am denied funding does it mean that I do not have a good case? These are all very good questions and the following text will answer these questions and more.

What is lawsuit cash advance?
A lawsuit cash advance is not a "loan" at all but rather it is a cash advance based upon the merits of a lawsuit that provides a plaintiff with sufficient funding to reach the conclusion of the case when the plaintiff will receive his/her fair share of the settlement or verdict. Lawsuit cash advance companies invest in the lawsuit itself as opposed to advancing money to the plaintiff in the form of a loan. A lawsuit cash advance is not based on a plaintiff's prior credit or bankruptcy status. Other terms used for this type of funding include: lawsuit loan, litigation finance, litigation loan, lawsuit funding, lawsuit finance, litigation cash advance, case loan, case cash advance, plaintiff cash advance, litigant funding, pre-settlement loan, pre-settlement lending, pre-settlement cash advance, etc.

Tip! Also, you should ask the companies of the various loan options that are open. For example, if you are sure that your case is not going to be a protracted one, you might find it cheaper to obtain lawsuit funding, even if it involves a significant fee.

Do I need lawsuit cash advance?
Lawsuit cash advances should not be a substitute for your settlement but rather a raft that helps you stay afloat while your attorney fights for you. Too many plaintiffs apply for a lawsuit cash advance with the belief that a lawsuit cash advance is simply a different way to get their settlement money. Assuming you win your case, the amount owed to the lending company varies greatly depending upon the length of time between the date of the advance and the date when you receive the settlement/verdict money. You should exhaust other means of funding first. Also, a good guideline to use is that lawsuit cash advance companies generally advance up to 10% of the estimated settlement amount. There are some good internet sites that give more background on lawsuit cash advances. Some good sources of information are The Funding Exchange (www.TheFundingExchange.com) and Expert Law (www.expertlaw.com).

How do I get funding for my lawsuit?
Lawsuit lending companies have popped-up all over the country. Some tout their "low interest rates" or how they are the most lenient when it comes to approving lawsuit loans. For every 1 respected lawsuit lending company there are 3 that will do anything to charge plaintiffs random penalties that make no sense. These penalties help to offset their "low interest rates" and many times end-up costing the plaintiff more of their settlement. A good option is The Funding Exchange (www.TheFundingExchange.com). The Funding Exchange is a network of the most respected lawsuit lending companies in the industry. You complete one application on The Funding Exchange and your application is intelligently routed to the best lending companies for your specific situation.

Tip! A lawsuit cash advance is not a loan but a participation in a personal injury legal settlement. If the injured victim who receives the lawsuit cash advance for whatever reason doesn't receive a cash settlement from their case, they owe nothing and the company that provides the lawsuit cash advance receives nothing.

If I get a lawsuit cash advance, do I have to pay back the money?
Almost all lawsuit financing companies give non-recourse funding to plaintiffs thus requiring the plaintiff to pay back the advance and fees/interest only upon a favorable decision in the case. If the case is lost then you can keep the cash advance with no obligation. If you win your case then part of the settlement amount will go towards repaying the cash advance plus interest and fees. The amount owed to a litigation finance company increases the longer that your case takes to settle so keep that in mind.

If I am denied funding does it mean that I do not have a good case?
The simple answer is "no." Being denied for a lawsuit cash advance does not mean that your case is not a good case or that you will actually win less money than you think. There are many different reasons why funding is denied. One reason is that the estimated settlement date is too soon. Litigation finance companies make money by accruing interest on their investment in your case. If your case is supposed to settle in 2 months then a litigation finance company will not make any money because the settlement date is too soon and therefore they may decline the funding request. Other reasons for denying lawsuit loan applications include: attorney will not provide documentation, attorney will not sign contract, plaintiff demands too much money, etc.

Tip! Many lawyers and attorneys create lawsuit financing companies based on their experience and the types of cases they encounter the most. Attorneys and lawyers with expertise in personal injury lawsuits or patent lawsuits help by providing cash advances and support in their fields.

As a plaintiff, you should understand lawsuit cash advances and the process of securing a lawsuit cash advance before you apply. If your expectations are set correctly and you proceed with a lawsuit cash advance then you will find that it is a saving grace in the turbulent world of litigation. If you apply for a lawsuit cash advance without an understanding of litigation finance then you may be disappointed.

About the author:

Tony Perkins is the founder and president of The Funding Exchange (http://www.TheFundingExchange.com) which connects the top lawsuit lending companies in the country to people in need of a lawsuit loan. The Funding Exchange is not a lawsuit lending company but rather it is an independent 3rd party company that routes a high volume of applications every day to its network of lawsuit cash advance companies.

Tip! The injured person can contact any of the lawsuit funding companies for loans. The loans offered by these companies are non-recourse loans.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit

By Kristy Annely

Tip! Previously, due to exposure to an asbestos related substance, there have been cases in which the mesothelioma cancer sufferers have received thousands of dollars in compensation for their diagnosis of mesothelioma. Recently, mesothelioma lawsuits help the person who has developed with mesothelioma by providing various benefits.

Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor of the mesothelium caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. There is some important information one should be aware of if he is considering pursuing an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit. Prior to pursuing a lawsuit, he should seek advice from a reputable mesothelioma lawyer for a better understanding of mesothelioma law. A mesothelioma lawsuit can also provide one with adequate compensation that will help cover his legal, medical, and ongoing expenses related to the mesothelioma cancer.

Previously, due to exposure to an asbestos related substance, there have been cases in which the mesothelioma cancer sufferers have received thousands of dollars in compensation for their diagnosis of mesothelioma. Recently, mesothelioma lawsuits help the person who has developed with mesothelioma by providing various benefits. Lawsuits have included people who have been exposed to asbestos related substances through their work environment, and companies are required to compensate their present or previous employees for non-disclosure of the risks involved with handling asbestos and related substances.

Mesothelioma law works on the premise that this exposure to an asbestos or related substance without prior knowledge has lead to the injury, and sometimes death of the asbestos mesothelioma sufferer. Beginning your lawsuit early will ensure that you acquire adequate compensation in time to help with your medical expenses and ongoing support and treatment. In order to begin a lawsuit, you will need to find an experienced mesothelioma attorney or lawyer, and they can usually be found at reputable law firms.

Tip! A new breed of venture capitalists has filled the gap by providing these much needed funds in a unique manner. To avoid the usury limits, which would render the product economically infeasible, the typical lawsuit funding transaction is done in the form of an investment rather than a loan.

It is important that you disclose all information surrounding your asbestos mesothelioma cancer, including your diagnosis and prognosis to your mesothelioma attorney or lawyer, as this will help him to form a solid lawsuit for your case.

You should also try to provide your attorney or lawyer with details pertaining to the period in which your exposure occurred, who you were working for at the time, and any details regarding whether you had prior knowledge of your exposure. All this information is considered to be important and will ensure that your mesothelioma attorney or lawyer will be successful in your mesothelioma lawsuit. One is always recommended to seek legal assistance as soon as the person has diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Lawsuits provides detailed information on Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit, Failure To Diagnose Mesothelioma Lawsuits, Mesothelioma Lawsuit Attorneys, Mesothelioma Lawsuit Directories and more. Mesothelioma Lawsuits is affiliated with Mesothelioma Law Firms.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Mesothelioma Lawsuit Directories

By Kristy Annely

Tip! There are many cases when the plaintiff cannot handle the monetary crisis. For example, when a case that is worth $10,000 costs $3000, the plaintiff can sometimes be left with no choice but to seek the help of a lawsuit funding company.

Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor of the mesothelium caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. Exposure can be due to the person's working environment. It is a serious cancerous tumor and hence the outcome of the disease can cost the person's life. So, lawsuits are filed when the person is exposed and is not brought to his knowledge. He should be made aware of the pros and cons of his working conditions. So, these people resort to filing cases and directories are of great help when it comes to finding a lawyer.

These directories maintain a whole lot of information of what a lawsuit is, how it is filed and what are the probability of winning the case, which attorney is to be contacted, referral services, and anything regarding the disease and its lawsuits.

The directories are hosted by many Web sites that also provide blogs (personal remarks from people who have filed lawsuits) about their customers' cases and the various phases of their cases. The case is weighed based on its credibility. So the person affected has to be aware of these services and the earlier he contacts them, the better. Complete information about when the exposure happened, when the tests for diagnosis were done, and what were the results of the diagnosis should be made available for the attorney to proceed further. These directories further stress that the credentials should be reliable proving that the disease was due to the exposure when the person had been an employee of the particular organization or a part of the working conditions.

Tip! These lawsuit loans are profitable not only to the plaintiff but to the lawsuit financing companies. They profit when they pay their plaintiff an amount and the verdict turns out with a huge settlement, according to the agreement made between the plaintiff and the lawsuit financing company.

These directories maintained by sites collect some basic inputs from the client and forward the case to the attorney in their area of residence or they provide means of contact making the job easier. Each case profile is maintained along with the information about the attorney who had handled the case. They can also be used to compare the lawyer's experience, his success rate and most importantly his prominence in handling mesothelioma lawsuits.

Mesothelioma Lawsuits provides detailed information on Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit, Failure To Diagnose Mesothelioma Lawsuits, Mesothelioma Lawsuit Attorneys, Mesothelioma Lawsuit Directories and more. Mesothelioma Lawsuits is affiliated with Mesothelioma Law Firms.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Another Lawsuit Against Amazon: Author April McDonald Sues Amazon for $10.5M

By Martin Hayes

Tip! The lawsuit financial loans are provided for personal injury, automobile accidents, malpractice, discrimination, harassment, accidents, wrongful deaths, fraud, theft, and more.

Another lawsuit against Leading online book, CD and DVD seller; Amazon. Apparently, they purchased a small time company located in South Carolina named Booksurge, which has numerous complaints against them. Well they've been hit with another lawsuit from someone who takes pride in their career.

This author decided to take a stand after a year of unacceptable behavior by Booksurge and Amazon, she states "I have been very patient with both Booksurge and Amazon, I have tried to reason with them by phone and email and it seems they just don't give a damn and I must admit that I am appalled with the customer service that I had received from Amazon, as well."

April McDonald is suing Amazon for 10.5 million dollars and its vanity press, Book Surge, claiming that the book was full of typos and other errors.

Tip! There are many companies in the market who provide lawsuit funding. Re member that because of the high risk involved, these companies will do a thorough check to decide upon the merit of the case.

"This was part of a take-off to a writing career that could have been destroyed, in my opinion," McDonald said. "It took immense amounts of work, and I'm very disappointed with my experience. I have had problems with unreported sales. Delayed shipment and continuous issues with royalties (breach of contract).

Until she releases her next book, (not through Booksurge) she has requested that her book entitled Sex, Lies and Consequences be removed from all sale portals to save her writing career.

Martin Hayes

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Real Estate Lawsuit - An Interesting Case

By Henry B. Nathan

Tip! Every lawsuit financing company would have a team of lawyers to assess the strength of the case. The key is to avoid funding frivolous complaints.

The stage: A million-dollar condo in one of the top pre-construction developments in South Florida, a high-rise oceanfront luxury building on a prime Beach location.

The complaint: Buyer signed a contract and paid the deposit. A few months later and well before scheduled completion, he is given notice of certain modifications to the building. The most significant was about the private elevator to his unit. The developer is now announcing that the private elevator will be shared between two apartments.

Other changes imply reduction of certain amenities areas.

The buyer wants to cancel the contract and get his deposit back alleging that the changes will substantially decrease the value of his condominium unit in this ultra-luxury building.

Tip! Settlement Loans provides detailed information on Settlement Loans, Lawsuit Cash Advance Loans, Lawsuit Settlement Loans, Pre-Settlement Loans and more. Settlement Loans is affiliated with Lawsuit Loan Companies.

The developer does not agree, stating that the proposed changes are not material or substantial and would therefore be allowed by the contract. It is not refunding the buyer's large deposit.

Two years ago, it wouldn't even have been an issue. The buyer would reluctantly agree to the changes since his contract would have meant a couple of hundred thousand dollars profit by just �flipping� it to one of the dozens of eager investors on a waiting list.

Tip! Many lawsuit financing companies can be approached through the Internet. Companies like legalcashnow.

But this is 2006 and things have changed a lot. Developers cannot find that waiting list
anymore and investors are leery of the market's future.

The case is in its initial phase.

It is not a really unusual situation and I wouldn't have pointed it out but because it is illustrative enough of how the market has changed.

What is your opinion and what is your prediction of the outcome? I would value your input...

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