Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Siding Lawsuit

By John Pawlak

Tip! The other option is to take a non-recourse loan from a Lawsuit Funding company. Simply stated, these funding companies will study your case, contact your lawyer, gain insights into the merit of the case and the amount of compensation expected and, on the basis of this, they will offer you an advance payment.

In the same vein as a siding recall, a siding lawsuit is a far more aggressive way of dealing with improper manufacturing of siding made with synthetic materials. Instead of a product recall being prompted by the manufacturer's awareness of the faulty product, or in some cases lack of awareness, a legal representative is hired on behalf of the consumers who have purchased the product to file suit against the manufacturer. A siding lawsuit that is �class action� in nature pertains to a large number of consumers owning the faulty siding. It such cases a siding lawsuit of this magnitude may result in the manufacturer compensating the consumer with a monetary sum to make up for any health, or safety issues and the replacement of the faulty siding.

Like any lawsuit over a bad product, a siding lawsuit would not merely impact consumers on a small scale, but those on a large, even national scale. The consumers to which a class action siding lawsuit pertains to may very well be unaware of their potential involvement in the suit. Often in such cases the various media outlets including television, radio, and newsprint is notified so that the consumers who are not aware of the faulty products in their possession may gain awareness and take action if they so choose. In some cases, upon a settlement, a siding lawsuit will force the manufacturer to contact the consumers who have purchased their product in the past, notifying them of the courts ruling and what they need to do if they choose to participate. Yet while the consumer and legal representative may desire quick action on the part of the courts, a siding lawsuit may take many months before a resolution is reached that is satisfactory to all parties.

Tip! While there are many success stores there are just as many horror stories to be told about lawsuit funding transactions. Typically, the horror stories all come from the same companies �those charging very high compounded rates.

John Pawlak is the President of Claimsource One, Inc., the leading defective home siding claims processor in the US. The company can be found online at Claimsource One has recovered over $45 Million for homeowners.